环境:Windows11,Windows10,Windows8,Windows7 9.1 0%0% 3322特别说明资源包含安装版、免安装版 Notepad--v3.0.0-plugin-Installer.exe 是win10下面的插件版安装包,会关联右键菜单等。 Notepad--v3.0.0-win10-portable.zip 是绿色免安装版本,解压即用,不会关联右键菜单注册表。
10. Wait for the installation process to be completed. 11. Finally, click on Finish to open Notepad++. Also Read: Fix Windows Media Creation Tool Not Working Follow the methods listed below to install plugin in Notepad++ in this upgraded version of Notepad. Method 1: Through Plugins Admin ...
Initially inspired by Microsoft's Notepad application, Notepad++ is a Windows application only. There are, however, a number of alternatives for both Mac and Linux operating systems, not to mention a range of alternatives on the Windows platform. Does Notepad Plus Have Spellcheck? The application ...
npp.8.7.2.Installer.x64.exe Notepad++is afree source code editorand an app replacement thatsupports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL Licence. The most populardeveloper toolfor your Windows PC!
Notepad++ is easy enough to install on yourcomputer. If you’re runningWindows 11, you have to download the 64-bit version, whereas depending on your system, you can also download the 32-bit versions for Windows 10 and lower. Installing Notepad++ on Windows ...
3. The first option is for downloading it from 32-bit. The second option is for downloading it for 64-bit. For Windows 11, we are going to download a 64-bit installer. Click on the first optionInstaller. It will start to download. ...
一,Notepad++ 下载 1.因为最近官网进不去,所有进人这个网站进行下载:https://notepad-plus.en.softonic.com/ 2.单击Free Download for windows按钮 2.单击free download按钮开始下载 3.下载完成 二,Notepad++ 安装 1.双击下载好的notepad-plus-8.4.9-installer_p2Nmo-1.exe文件 ...
Notepad++是 Windows操作系统下的一套文本编辑器,其功比 Windows 中的 Notepad(记事本)强大,除了可以用来制作一般的纯文字说明文件,也十分适合编写计算机程序代码。Notepad++不仅有语法高亮度显示,也有语法折叠功能,并且支持宏以及扩充基本功能的外挂模组。 2、 MinGW MinGW,是Minimalist GNUfor Windows的缩写。它是一个...
Notepad3 is available as an installer and as a portable version that works with any Windows edition from Windows XP SP3 up to Windows 10. Notepad3 can replace Windows Notepad. Notepad3 provides support for multiple programming languages, offers syntax highlighting, and comers with various other fe...
1、C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe,点击添加,选择Oracle in OracleClient_home 2、配置数据源,输入用户名账号,测试连接成功 3、 打开PowerDesigner,在DataBase下拉菜单选择点击Connect,选择刚才配好的ODBC就可以了! ...64位 windows2008 R2 上安装32位oracle 的方法 首先,我们要解除oracle安装的windo...