语法高亮,Syntax Highlight,也被叫做代码高亮 其实,其他很多文本编辑器也都支持此语法高亮功能,但是发现Notepad++支持的语言更多,更方便使用。 个人用过的,就有C,C++,Python,XML,HTML,xml,Javascript等, 甚至还支持一些相对很多人不是很常用的类型,比如makefile,tex/LaTex等。 而对于这些的支持,作为开发者的话,如果... 将当前(已着色/代码高亮/语法高亮的)彩色代码导出到Word文件或HTML网页中# 1.4.4. 轻量级资源管理器: Light Explorer# 通过Light Explorer浏览文件,打开文件# 1.4.5. 括号自动补全插件: XBracket Lite# 通过XBracket Lite实现括号的自动补全# 1.4.6. 支持Notepad++中使用js脚本实...
I’ll share the methods that I have used to highlight the syntax in Notepad++. So read the full article to know how to configure syntax highlighting in Notepad++ in no time! Quick Navigationshow Why is Syntax Highlighting Important? Syntax highlighting lets you set different color schemes for...
对sublime中的代码设置高亮显示 首先需要在https://github.com/vuejs/vue-syntax-highlight中下载文件包,然后将文件包解压,然后打开文件夹至如图所示界面,复制界面中所有文件,备用。 然后打开sublime中components的某个文件,点击菜单栏中的首选项一栏,选择浏览插件。 在打开的文件夹中新建一个文件夹,重命名为vue,在将...
语法高亮,Syntax Highlight,也被叫做代码高亮 其实,其他很多文本编辑器也都支持此语法高亮功能,但是发现Notepad++支持的语言更多,更方便使用。 个人用过的,就有C,C++,Python,XML,HTML,xml,Javascript等, 甚至还支持一些相对很多人不是很常用的类型,比如makefile,tex/LaTex等。
In this post, we will help you tochange the text case in Notepad++. Notepad++ is one of thebest alternatives to Notepadand other text editors. It has tons of features such ashighlight text,syntax highlighting, use Macro, save and load a session,generate hashtagfor a file, and lost more...
Find: Finds if a selected word is written anywhere on the file as well as how many times it has been referenced. If it has been at all Date/Time: A command in the Edit menu that writes the current day and time Highlight: It highlights the selected text yellow. (The highlighted text...
) and they’ve been used myriad times. But those plain-text controls have been small and typically exist in dialog boxes. Notepad is often used to view large files, so high performance is important, and lines can be crazy long. And classic Notepad has been improved in various ways, such...
Click the arrow buttons to see variations of the rewritten text. You can also select a different length or change the tone and format of the highlighted text. If you only want to change a section of your note, highlight it, right-click, selectRewritefrom the dropdown, and follow the on...
The prepared code was in response to your query to mbozzi as to why the code was prone to error and the subsequent discussion (leading to a more specific issue, ie. memory leak,) and was intended to highlight how that was so. You are of course free to present a counter-example rathe...