I’ve been usingNotepad2for quite awhile now and was recently introduced toNotepad++. I love saving time by launching Notepad2 by typing “n” into the command line. I save all the “otepad”s through the day. Its small, but hey, I learned it fromScott Hanselman, aka: the master of ...
From command line open a new maximized CMD window: start /d %WinDir%\System32 /max cmd From command line open a new maximized Notepad window: start /d %WinDir%\System32 /max notepad From command line open a new maximized Internet Explorer window: start /d "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explo...
Running command line tools and redirecting the output to a file on a non-English system may produce unreadable characters when the file is openned by notepad.exe. For example run the following on Russian Windows 7 in command window. ipconfig /all ipconfig /all >output.txt notep...
Running command line tools and redirecting the output to a file on a non-English system may produce unreadable characters when the file is openned by notepad.exe. For example run the following on Russian Windows 7 in...
方法/步骤 1 把以下代码保存为ABAP.XML<NotepadPlus> <UserLang name="ABAP" ext="abap"> <Settings> <Global caseIgnored="yes" /> <TreatAsSymbol comment="no" commentLine="yes" /> <Prefix words1="no" words2="no" words3="no" words4="no" /> </Settings> <KeywordLi...
I don't think you can pass text into notepad from the command line. Maybe you can write the text to a file, and then pass the file name to notepad. Make sure notepad can open files you specify on the command line first. Michael Dunn Ranch Hand Posts: 4632 posted 16 years ago kl...
Option 1: Using Notepad++’s new command-line Note:This is theRECOMMENDEDmethod. It doesn’t need a 3rd party program or script. Run the following command to replace Notepad with Notepad++. Start anelevated or admin Command Prompt.
Added links to/from Find/Replace (preserving Line <=> Search String) and in-dialog hotkeys (Ctrl+F/H/G). #259 File > Launch [NEW]File > Launch > Shell Menu (Ctrl+Shift+R) command invokes Explorer's context menu for currently opened file. Current directory is set to the file's pa...
> Process Exit Code: 2 > Time Taken: 00:01 源代码 如下:/*** *** 文件名: ad1.c ...
-n<line number> For example, to open a file directly at line 1500, we can pass it asnotepad++ filename -n1500. To run this from command prompt, you can use this command: start notepad++ "C:\Files\file.txt" -n1500 Open Multiple File at a Specific Line Number ...