NoteCaddy Synopsis Having notes at your disposal can mean all the difference in the world when playing poker online. Because you have so many opponents to face, you have to keep track of their tendencies in order to maintain your edge. If you are playing a ton of tables at a time however...
NoteCaddy 2.5 New Features: Caddy Clock- Currently available on PokerStars and iPoker, Caddy Clock will tell you how long a player took to act vs. how strong or weak their hand was. New Graphs– NoteCaddy 2.5 introduces a new hand chart heat map to aid in seeing exactly what your opponen...
Looking to stay up to date on everything Hold’em Manager? Find us onFacebookor follow us on Twitter@HoldemManager! HM Apps,HM2 Poker Software,Recent Posts,Tips & Videos Rob Blackmore About the author The author didnt add any Information to his profile yet...
Many opponents have "tells" in their bet-sizing. NoteCaddy bet-sizing charts give you the tools to help you analyze if their bet size is giving away the strength of their hand. Learn more Opponent Badges Badges run complex analysis on your opponents looking to see if they can identify weakn...
I think that any pokerplayer must buy Notecaddy Pro.Tools! Because Pro.Tools = +winrate = + money Pro.Tools is a great and necessary tools for any poker player. Must have. Ty Vadim 05-24-2015 , 12:34 PM #9 whackpack newbie Join Date: Apr 2015...
NoteCaddy Edge - Custom NoteCaddy Poker Package By NotecaddyEdge in forum 3rd Party Programs Compatible With HM2 or HM1 Replies: 165 Last Post: 08-25-2019, 10:00 AM 我的hm2在poker stars打zoom完全無法顯示? By kevin09215 in forum General Support Replies: 3 Last Post: 08-08-2014, 01:...