Select and compare the latest features and innovations available in the new Notebook Series 7 Windows Laptops. Find the perfect Samsung windows laptops for you!
Windows Laptops/ Notebook Series 7 Price, Promotion, Processing: Pricing, delivery date and other errors may be withdrawn or revised and/or your order may be cancelled at any time before we have both (a) shipped or provided access to your product or service, and (b) received...
SAMSUNG 三星 Notebook 7 15.6英寸笔记本电脑以其独特的设计和卓越的性能,吸引了众多消费者的注意。这款笔记本电脑采用全金属一体机身,不仅外观时尚简洁,还具备坚固耐用的特点。它的尺寸适中,方便携带,特别适合学生和职场人士,尤其是那些需要频繁移动办公的人。在硬件配置方面,SAMSUNG 三星 Notebook 7...
三星Notebook 7系列笔记本电脑以其简洁大方的设计和全金属一体机身在市场中脱颖而出。这款产品提供了两种尺寸选择:13英寸和15.6英寸,均搭载了第八代英特尔酷睿i5-8265U或i7-8565U处理器,确保了强大的性能表现。屏幕分辨率均为1080P,可选配最大16GB内存和512GB NVMe SSD,能够满足用户对存储空间的...
“The new Notebook 7 and Notebook 7 Force blend elegant design with impressive power and top-notch speed to give consumers an unparalleled experience,”said YoungGyoo Choi, Senior Vice President of the PC Business Team, Mobile Communications Business at Samsung Electronics.“These devices expand ou...
Notebook 7采用了自MacBook开始流行的全金属一体机身设计,颜值上有了保障。Notebook 7提供13英寸屏和15英寸屏的两种机身,都使用了第8代英特尔酷睿i5-8265U或i7-8565U处理器。两个尺寸都是1080P屏幕,最大16GB内存,最大512GB NVMe SSD,802.11ac wave2 2X2规格的无线网络,55Wh电池,并且配备指纹识别。
1.以下分区方法只针对于出厂预装Windows系统的机器。2.Samsung Recovery Solution 功能出厂带有一个隐藏分区,此分区不能删除,如删除则此功能不能使用。3.以下操作将导致硬盘数据丢失,请先备份资料。预装Win7系统分区方法:1.开机三星画面按f4键,进入一键还原界面。2.选择还原,选择完全还原。3.点击还原...
挺有意思的一款笔记本,优缺点很明显。 优点:轻薄,金属机身,2kg不到,1.8cm不到,机器手感相当出色。少见的低压u配maxq,低上加低,整机90w功耗,可以不用背大砖头适配器也可以畅玩怀旧服了。带指纹,虽然不和电源一体,但是反应速度很快,蓝色也蛮有特色。 缺点:屏幕色域不好,键盘手感不好,没有雷电3,没有行货保修!(但...
“Our customers wanted a functional, intuitive device that includes a wide range of their favorite features, and that’s what we’ve delivered with the Notebook 7 Spin (2018),”said YoungGyoo Choi, Senior Vice President of the PC Business Team, Mobile Communications Business at Samsung Electron...