打包时 implementation "cn.bingoogolapple:bga-aptnote-annotation:${VERSION_NAME}" compiler 中的 auto-service 和 javapoet 需要用 implementation 来引入 implementation 来依赖打包后生成的 pom 文件中是 scope 是「runtime」 api 中用 api 来依赖 annotation ...
ElsevierJournal of Banking & FinanceJarrow, R., and A. Rudd (1985): "A comparison of the APT and CAPM: A Note," Journal of Banking and Finance, 7(2), 295-303.A comparison of the APT and CAPM: A Note - R, Rudd - 1985
问题描述:你好大夫!我儿子今年7岁这连续5天了每天晚上10点到11点之间就起来哭闹,还胡言乱语的,手也乱比划孩她妁过去搂一会就好,儿子活泼好动身体也很棒,前段时间刚查的微量元素都正常。请大专帮我诊断一下。谢谢(男,36岁) 分析及建议: 这是正常的,这样的时候,抱着他,对着右耳说,妈妈在身边,你是安全的。
PUNDY设计生产的工商日志与笔记本是依照现代上班族所喜好的简单、大方时尚感而生成的。可更换内页、可挑选内页种类多。 更多 精装笔记本 超过22年精装笔记本印刷经验的邦迪设计PUNDY,提供从设计到客制化印刷生产的制造服务,让各界有更多样化的工商日志/笔记本采购选择。 更多 PUNDY日志手册-精装本服务简介 邦迪是台湾一...
Notebook: An Apt Name but a Strange Aftertaste ; Two Countries Devastated by Wars Instigated by Their Own Governments, but the Similarities between Kosovo and East Timor End ThereThe Burnt House, where I dined on my first night back in East Timor, appears at first glance to be unique among...
THE GENUS APTINOTHRIPS HALIDAY. A FURTHER NOTE ON THE LARVAL STAGES (THYSANOPTERA: TEREBRANTIA)No abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1365-3113.1938.tb01223.xE. R. SpeyerEntomologist, Experimental Station, Cheshunt, Herts...
Apton ΦaΓein: A Note on Mark 3:20–21In Mark 3:14-19 we are given a list of the Twelve Apostles who, we are told, had been chosen by Jesus to be his companions and to be sent out on evangelising missions, during which they would also have power to cast out evil spirits. ...
APT Co-Founder to Deliver Keynote at Eyeforpharma Philadelphia ConferencePrweb