Note 11 Pro 金刚级大电量 Pro 版,更长续航 5160mAh 超大电池,搭配 67W 闪充,妥妥用一天*。 * 数据均来自小米实验室,因测试环境不同,具体数值会略有不同,以实际情况为准。 DISPLAY 屏幕一眼惊艳 2.96mm 针孔屏1.75mm 超窄边 更少遮挡,视野更广更纯粹。 2.96mm 前置镜头挖孔 1.75mm 超窄边框 ...
(外交文书)照会;通牒an official letter from the representative of one government to another IDM of note 重要的;引人注目的of importance or of great interest hit/strike the right/wrong note 做(或说、写)得得体╱不得体to do, say or write sth that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occa...
短笺;便条a short informal letterJust a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening.仅以此短笺感谢您安排的美好的夜晚。She left a note for Ben on the kitchen table.她在厨房的餐桌上给本留了个便条。a suicide note绝命书书籍 in book 注释;按语;批注a short comment on a wo...
I'll have to leave anotefor Karen. 我得给卡伦留张便条。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 I knew that if I didn't make anoteI would lose the thought so I asked to borrow a pen or pencil... 我知道如果我不把这个想法记下来就会忘记,所以我找人借了支笔。
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asuicide note(=a note telling someone that you are going to kill yourself) 绝命书 【例句】 athank you note(=a note to say thank you for something) 感谢信 4. 【释义】 OFFICIAL LETTER正式信件,[C]an official letter or document 公文; 文件: ...
Redmi Note 12 Pro+体验,两亿像素配中端天玑1080,噱头or真香?Redmi的note系列,也算是小米产线当中很值得说道的系列,其中的神机无数,从Redmi宣布一年两款note系列,一款性能一款体验,似乎每个主打体验向的note都会被观众钉上耻辱柱,但是市场表现来看,体验向的note很受市场欢迎。刚刚发布的Note12,一口气发布了...
[U]暗示,含义hint or suggestion of sth [C]纸币piece of paper money issued by a bank v.(动词) vt. 记录write down in order to remember vt. 注意notice; pay attention to 英英释义 note[ nəut ] n. a short personal letter 同义词:short letterlinebillet ...
The president's farewell trip to Europe ended on a positive of note for the White House. 总统的欧洲告别之行以对白宫有利的信号而结束. 来自互联网 13. Mr Werning and his co - authors have so far derived at least two theoretical results of note. Werning先生和他的合著者们目前为止至少得出了...
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