【LaTeX and Neovim for technical note-taking】https:///www.ejmastnak.com/tutorials/vim-latex/intro/ 用于技术笔记的 LaTeX 和 Neovim。 动图 动图 网路冷眼技术分享超话 û收藏 2 评论 ñ6 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 互联网...
Easy note taking in Vim (fork from vim-notes)Hi, the original developer stopped to work on this project so I decided to add some features by myself. I wanna thank xolox for him awesome work on vim-notes.My version works only with neovim, beacouse it utilizes new nvim features like ...
Simple tree-based note taking system for Neovim. Contribute to Selyss/mind.nvim development by creating an account on GitHub.
Standard Notesis a note-taking application that puts particular emphasis on privacy & security. It is cross-platform and of course, completely open-source. The core application is free to use and comes with a free account that syncs your data across all the platforms without any limit on the...
mengwangk merged commit f0b203c into main May 16, 2022 rajeeshckr pushed a commit to rajeeshckr/neovim-for-beginner that referenced this pull request Aug 10, 2023 Update plugins (alpha2phi#54) … af57840 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?
Fast & Simple Note Taking! 📃🚀tdo in action tdo is a opinionated, command line based note-taking system. Demo video✨ FeaturesCan help you manage a daily log, todos, journal and notes Review pending and upcoming todos, past journal entries and more Integrates with git to commit and...
To use the plugin, simply run the :MyNote command to open the floating window and start taking notes. UsageInstall MyNote.nvim with lazy.nvimreturn { { "jellydn/my-note.nvim", dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" }, keys = { { "<leader>n", "<cmd>MyNote<cr>", desc = "...
Neuron –a great tool to publish a Zettelkasten on the web Emanote –an improved successor to Neuron sirupsen's zk –a collection of scripts with a similar purpose zk-spaced –spaced repetition plugin for zkAboutA plain text note-taking assistant ...
(unmaintained) zk.nvim for Neovim 0.5+ by Seth Messer Interactive browser, powered by fzf Git-style command aliases and named filters Made with automation in mind Notebook housekeeping Future-proof, thanks to Markdown Supports most Markdown syntax flavors Links: regular Markdown links, [[Wikil...
Or want to see it in action? CheckoutShivan'svideo,Note-taking System ALL Programmers Should Consider. Highlights Creating notes from templates Advanced search and filtering capabilitiesincludingtags, links and mentions Integration with your favorite editors: ...