1.在Obsidian的设置中,找到“第三方插件”选项,点击“社区插件” 2.在搜索框中输入“Note Refactor”,找到并安装它。 3.安装完成后,激活该插件,在成功安装插件后,我们需要对其进行简单的配置,以符合我们的需求。 2.离线安装: 因为网络原因很多同学无法直接在线安装obsidian插件,这里我已经把obsidian所有热门插件下载好...
将选择内容提取到新笔记-第一行作为文件名:将选择内容复制到新笔记中,第一行作为文件名,并替换为链接。 Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + C 将选择内容提取到新笔记中-仅内容:将选择内容复制到新笔记中,提示输入文件名并替换为链接。 :warning: 故意不为音符拆分命令设置热键默认值,以免发生意外事故。 将在文件库的根目...
obsidian-extract-note-plugin A small plugin, to help me organize my notes easily. Kind of refactoring for your notes. Workflow I use the daily notes, for recording all the events that happen during the day, sometimes I want to "refactor" and extract That's what this plugin is about. You...
tsconfig.json Build and Sandbox Refactor (#1) Nov 30, 2024 version-bump.mjs Initial commit Oct 31, 2024 versions.json prepare 1.0.1 (#3) Nov 30, 2024 Repository files navigation README MIT license Obsidian Note Annotations Better active reading experience in Obsidian. Currently implemented: High...
双流赵师傅 推荐一些目前在用的OB插件(排名不分先后) linter;advanced slides;calendar;clear unused images;cmenu;Custom Frames;dataview;emoji toolbar;excalidraw;file explorer note count;footnote shortcut;image toolkit;kanban;media extended;note refactor;number headings;obsidian memos;pandoc plugin;proxy githu...
https://github.com/lynchjames/note-refactor-obsidian/releases/tag/1.7.1 下载main.js,manifest.json,styles.css 在“D:\库名.obsidian\plugins”下建立文件夹note-refactor-obsidian,将上面三个文件放进该文件夹。 关闭obsidian,再重新打开 点击【设置】——【第三方插件】——【已安装插件】,可以看见Note R...
Boninall Obsidian ଈ 【Obsidian 随思】你的工具是你的乐团,你用它来抒发自己的思考;你的工作流是你对工作的一种喜好,越是独特的喜好,越是独特的工作流,就需要越是具有变化的乐团来满足你的需求;[[Obsidian]] 如同乐团中的贝斯,也如同一个指挥家,你可以认为它具有自己独特的音乐,也可以认为它只是一个让你...
Refactor and prepare for “advancing” the project's logic and write an entire functionality of it. Write an advanced .TS script for managing core of this project's functionality (being a template); Write an advanced infrastructure for project's surroundings and etc.; ...
将插件设置接口和默认设置常量的命名从 `MyPluginSettings` 和 `MyPlugin` 更新为 `BookXNoteSyncSettings` 和 `BookXNotePlugin`。同样,`BookXNoteSetting` 类被重命名为 `BookXNoteSyncSettingTab`, BREAKING CHANGE: 任何对 `MyPluginSettings`、`MyPlugin` 或 `BookXNoteSetting` 类的外部引用现在都应分...
8: Note Refactor v1.8.2 9: Obsidian Functionplot v1.2.1 10: Admonition v10.1.1 11: Pandoc Plugin v0.4.1 12: Code Block Enhancer v1.0.5 13: Numerals v1.2.0 14: ExcaliBrain v0.2.11 15: Linter v1.20.1 16: Templater v1.18.0 ...