(高音谱号是写在音符左侧的一种音乐符号。) It’s difficult to read the hand-written notation on this sheet music. (这张乐谱上的手写符号很难辨识。)
(高音谱号是写在音符左侧的一种音乐符号。) It’s difficult to read the hand-written notation on this sheet music. (这张乐谱上的手写符号很难辨识。) Jiaying 谢谢这位网友提出的问题。希望我们的讲解和例句让你对这些音乐词汇的用法有了更清晰的理解。 记住,“tune” 既可以作名词也可以作动词使用,意思分...
It’s difficult to read the hand-written notation on this sheet music.(这张乐谱上的手写符号很难辨识。)总结一下, “tune” 既可以作名词也可以作动词使用,意思分别是 “曲调” 和 “调音”。在谈论音乐时,“tone” 作名词使用,指 “音色” 或 “音符间的距离,全音”。“Note” 既可以指听到的 “...
Music Reader -Sheet Music NoteRatings and Reviews 4.5out of 5 156 Ratings kilo!1,07/14/2021 Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrance Simplicity at its finest This has to be one of the worst on boarding UX I have seen in a while. Just a total failure of a beginning. I have never written a revi...
5. **Notation**: 名词 “notation” 指的是记录音乐的书面形式,即乐谱。故事中的说话人提到,她有兴趣阅读 “notation”(乐谱)。例如,“It’s difficult to read the hand-written notation on this sheet music”(这张乐谱上的手写符号很难辨识)。综上所述,“tune” 指曲调,“tone” 指...
All the piano sheet music on this page has been created by me, Elmo Peeler, a conservatory-trained professional rock pianist/arranger/conductor. My passion in life has been the piano - playing it and composing for it. Over the years I've toured the world, playing and arranging for three ...
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It's difficult to read the hand-written notation on this sheet music. (这张乐谱上的手写符号很难辨识。) 谢谢这位网友提出的问题。希望我们的讲解和例句让你对这些音乐词汇的用法有了更清晰的理解。 记住,“tune” 既可以作名词也可以作动词使用,意思分别是 “曲调” 和 “调音”。在谈论音乐时,“tone”...
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