chord - a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together passing note, passing tone - a nonharmonic note inserted for transition between harmonic notes semibreve, whole note - a musical note having the longest time value (equal to four beats in common time) ha...
That's an odd note grouping for that chord. Try spreading it out over two octaves instead of one. A happy man or woman is a better thing to find than a five-pound note. Did you note her strange behaviour? (Zauważyłeś jej dziwne zachowanie?) Note that he didn't help you wh...
The structure of the song is Intro, six Verses - two of which are guitar solos - and the Out section, which drops the 12-bar blues pattern of the Verses and vamps for almost two minutes over a B minor chord. The piano licks and the guitar seem almost like a duet in some places, ...
Please give permission to use the microphone when you tap Mic button for the first time. If you do not allow it, let’s permit the use of the microphone in Chord NOTE section or Privacy section of Settings app. In addition, you can open Settings app by tapping Mic button again. When ...
In the Dsus2 chord, the third of the D major or minor chord (F♯ or F) is replaced (“suspended”) with the second note (E) of the D major scale. Root Position D SUSPENDED 4 Chord Symbol:Dsus4 In the Dsus4 chord, the third of the D major or minor chord (F♯ or F) is...
With SongSight AI you can bring in chord diagrams, lyrics, and chord names from your handwritten notebooks or your favorite song sheets, so you can keep all your songs together in one place. ADD EASY NOTATION Add standard chord diagrams, or use FlexFrets to show extended scales, arpeggios,...
What if we want to talk about the note G inside that Em chord? It's the 3rd note if we count up the (Phrygian) chord scale from E, but is there a known term, like "degree", that would help us refer to G, the third note in the chord-scale without confusing it with the...
The chords are positioned above the lyrics in such a way that you will play them when you reach that portion of the song. When you are singing along and see a “G” above the word, switch to the G chord. When you see an “F,” switch to the F chord.That’s it!
1.(=change) (to text) →modificaciónf,cambiom; (esp for the worse) →alteraciónf(in, tode) (to painting, speech etc) →retoquem(Sew) →arreglom to make alterations to[+building, text] →hacermodificacionesen; [+dress] →hacerarreglosa ...
1 parent caf088f commit 6023da497d50539ffb84601af9a3eb417e454118 Showing 23 changed files with 55 additions and 146 deletions. Split Unified magenta/music alignment en...