哺乳动物中有四个受体(Notch1-4)和五个配体(Delta-like(DLL)1,3,4 和 Jagged(Jag)1-2)。经典研究表明,相邻 EC 上 NOTCH1 及其配体 DLL4 之间的相互作用在血管生成过程中建立了“尖端”与“柄”细胞身份,并且 NOTCH1 和 DLL4 通过抑制缺血组织中的 EC 增殖和新生血管形成对动脉功能至关重要。Notch 的激...
哺乳动物中有四个受体(Notch1-4)和五个配体(Delta-like(DLL)1,3,4和Jagged(Jag)1-2)。经典研究表明,相邻 EC 上 NOTCH1及其配体DLL4 之间的相互作用在血管生成过程中建立了“尖端”与“柄”细胞身份,并且 NOTCH1 和 DLL4 通过抑制缺血组织中的 EC 增殖和新生血管形成对动脉功能至关重要。Notch 的激活需要...
Notch4在肝癌组织的表达与患者性别、年龄、癌灶数目、肿瘤大小、AFP、HBsAg、HBeAg阴阳性、肿瘤包膜是否完整、瘤栓有无、肝癌临床分期及病理分级均无关。 5 Jagged1在各组肝组织均有表达,表现为细胞浆黄染。Jagged1在肝癌组织的表达显著高于癌旁硬化肝组织和正常肝组织(Z=-2.747, P=0.006和Z=-2.249,P=0.025),...
Women with triple-negative breast cancer have the worst prognosis, frequently present with metastatic tumors and have few targeted therapy options. Notch-1 and Notch-4 are potent breast oncogenes that are overexpressed in triple-negative and other subtyp
Additionally, subcellular localization of Notch-1 and Notch-4 was predominantly nuclear and cytoplasmic. In conclusion, () the majority of TNBCs are high-grade infiltrating ductal carcinomas with high Ki67 proliferation rate and (b) both Notch-1 and Notch-4 receptors are overexpressed in tumor ...
qRT-PCR 分析不同剪切应力条件下细胞中 NOTCH1-4、Notch配体(DLL3、DLL4、JAG1、JAG2)和 ETS1 的基因表达(图2 A),发现扰动剪切应力(DF)在静脉 ECs 中诱导 NOTCH4、DLL4、JAG1 和 ETS1 的显著表达(图2 A)。 蛋白质印迹分析证实,与均匀平行流动(PF)和静态条件相比,DF 细胞中活化的 NOTCH4(NICD4)和...
Notch receptors are highly conserved in throughout evolution and are found in a diverse range of organisms from worms to humans. The Notch family includes four receptors, NOTCH1, NOTCH2, NOTCH3, and NOTCH4. These receptors have an extracellular domain that contains multiple epidermal growth ...
Background: Studies looking at immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of Notch receptors in breast cancer and correlation with known prognostic factors are sparse. Methods: IHC staining for nuclear, cytoplasmic, and membrane Notch-1 (N1), Notch-4 (N4), and Jagged-1 (JAG1) was performed and correla...
引用1-4的4 展示: PMID: 30655816 | 鼠李素通过 miR-34a/Notch-1 信号通路诱导人类乳腺癌细胞凋亡| Lan, L.et al.2019. Oncol Lett. 17: 676-682. PMID: 30143678 | 抗蠕虫药尼可刹米通过失调OSCC的核β-catenin/c-Myc轴抑制癌症干性、细胞外基质重塑和转移| Wang, LH.et al.2018. Sci Rep. 8: ...
Deregulation of Notch pathway has been connected with the carcinogenesis in a variety of cancers. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of the Notch signaling pathway proteins (NOTCH1, 3, 4 and JAG2) in the samples from human endometrial cancer. The amount of the Notch ...