Certification:We sign and seal certificates, attached to the photocopy, attests to the genuineness of the photocopy and affirm his stamp as "Certified true copy of original" Attestation:Witnessing written testimony, or statement of facts, taken by a witness under oath in front of the Notary Pub...
Legalisation is the process whereby the Foreign and Commonwealth Office confirms that the notary’s signature, stamp or seal is genuine by adding an Apostille stamp. Documents for use in certain countries – for example the UAE or China need – Consular legalisation. This involves taking your docu...
Apostille is a French word meaning "certification." An Apostille seal does not mean the stamp or seal of a notary public stamp. In USA, apostille seals are administered only from the secretary of state's notary public. In Hong Kong, the apostille seal is affixed by the High Court of Hong...
1 . the authenticity of the signature of the public official who signed the document, 2. the capacity in which that public official acted, and 3. when appropriate, the identity of the seal or stamp which the document bears, e.g. a notary public seal. The Apostille does not validate th...