Downloading a free notary invoice template makes it easy to bill for your business—simply download, customize, and send to your client.Choose a template Notary Invoice Template From signature verification to document authentication and certification of copies, notary invoice templates help you bill ...
We will adopt cutting-edge third-party authentication solution in this verification process to ensure duly authorized allocation of DataCap, such as using multi-signature to control the allocation process. To be specific, under the key management system that we currently envisage to adopt, private ke...
$ signy --tlscacert=$NOTARY_CA --server https://localhost:4443 sign testdata/cnab/helloworld-0.1.1.tgz --thick localhost:5000/thick-bundle-signature:v2 --in-toto --layout testdata/intoto/root.layout --links testdata/intoto --layout-key testdata/intoto/ INFO[0000] Adding In-...