Gone in 2014: Remembering 10 Notable Women in ScienceMaia Weinstock
Producer Lynda Obst (April 14, 1950-October 22, 2024) was behind such films "Sleepless in Seattle," "Contact," "The Fisher King" and "Interstellar," and was a longtime champion of women in the industry. A former book and magazine editor and classical music radio DJ, Obst took a job a...
Oxford houses two renowned scholarly institutions, theBodleian Libraryand theAshmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, as well as theMuseum of the History of Science(established 1924). The Oxford University Press, established in 1478, is one of the largest and most prestigious university publishers in...
as a university in Illinois, though land for the university had been purchased only in 1853. Instruction began in 1855, and women were first admitted in 1869. WhenEvanston College for Ladiesmerged with the university in 1873, educator and reformerFrances Willardbecame its first dean of women. ...
surgery residents to provide care in underserved areas. She participates in the Perry Initiative that supports female high school students interested in engineering and medicine, and became a member of the JR Gladden Society, which works to increase the number of women and minorities in orthopedics....
However, she was unable to get a job at the University of Groningen. Instead, Meitner moved to Stockholm, Sweden with Eva von Bahr and Carl Wilhelm Oseen’s help. Even though Manne Siegbahn was prejudiced against women working in science, she was able to take up a post at his laboratory...
Crain’s New York Business’ inaugural Notable Women in Tech feature pays homage to 75 of these women in the Greater New York City area. Among them are deans, chief information officers and company founders in education, finance and fashion. ...
Born in Oak Park, Illinois, and raised in California during the Great Depression, White performed on radio and for an experimental TV station in Los Angeles in the 1930s. After the war, when she served as a member of the American Women's Voluntary Services, she began hosting a live varie...
Lives of Notable Asian Americans: Business, Politics, Science. The Asian American Experience. The lives of 12 Asian Americans prominent in business, politics, or science are profiled for young readers. Included are biographical sketches of: (1) Elli......
Lives of Notable Asian Americans: Business, Politics, Science. The Asian American Experience. The lives of 12 Asian Americans prominent in business, politics, or science are profiled for young readers. Included are biographical sketches of: (1) Elli......