As impressive as this update sounds, it has not been well-received across the board. One of the biggest question marks is why the Goodnotes team has changed Goodnotes 5 to Goodnotes 6 on the App Store. This move might initially make sense, but it also means that all the positive reviews ...
免费领体验版 | 松隐系列便利贴05 | goodnotes notability | 电子手帐贴纸 |详细使用方法&教程 02:25 免费领体验版 | 2024全年计划UI界面风地心引力系列04 | goodnotes notability | ipad电子手帐| |日程本详细使用方法&教程 04:12 黑白灰极简电子手帐免费领体验版 | 2024全年计划黑武雪峰系列03 | ipad电子手帐...
自用2024电子手帐|goodnotes|notability|免费分享 水女_随缘更新 9933 0 15:11 油管电子手帐搬运丨@onday@丨diary vlog:goodnotes笔记格式,免费分享贴纸•9月日记•笔记装饰•iPad goodnotes 活用方法•g J_JAN 1.3万 0 01:58 自定义notability内页模板来啦! 艾南晚丫 1022 0 00:51 goodnotes...
Notability vs GoodNotes 谁更好用? 点击开始播放视频 总结: 总之,无论是自己学习、办公,还是与客户交流、团队沟通等场景,Notability 都能提供一个全能方便的书写环境供你们写与画。 最佳搭配:iPad 和 Apple Pencil 特别是如果你拥有iPad和Apple Pencil,你会发现 Notability 就是为它们而生的!也是最能体现出它们价值...
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For Goodnotes, the big highlight is the Elements Tool, while Notability has a new Pencil for sketching. One of the neat additions to both apps (Notability in October 2023 and Goodnotes in January 2024) is the ability to customize your toolbar. You can choose exactly which tools you want ...
Notability vs Goodnotes Display and user interface - Both apps make it easy to find and navigate content. GoodNotes 5 will display your notes, folders in either a list or grid layout whereas Notability displays notes on the right side and folders on the left side. Document Management and Creat...
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