点击“Apply & Restart”(应用并重启)按钮,Docker Desktop将自动重启并切换到Windows容器模式。 完成以上步骤后,您的Docker Desktop应该已经成功启用了Windows容器模式。为了验证这一点,您可以尝试运行一个简单的Windows容器,例如: bash docker run --rm mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019 cmd /c echo He...
seankhliaocommentedJun 19, 2023 that would indicate your executable wasn't built with cgo disabled, please include a reproducer with code and Dockerfile note that the docker images aren't maintained by the go team seankhliaoadded theWaitingForInfolabelJun 19, 2023 Author Pim-InfuzedcommentedJun...
And also tried to stop the "Docker for windows service", in that case starting docker for windows seems to do nothing. When I do "docker run" even as administrator, gives "open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified". Is it no longer possible to use Docker...
Docker : When creating a machine, VT-X/AMD is enabled, But on a full-fledged Ubuntu VM, you just need to install docker and run it directly. If you need to use docker-machine, just copy (on Windows) v0.6.0-rc1/docker-machine_windows-amd64.exe as docker-machine.exe anywhere you wa...
eshop volume sharing is not enabled 不知道为什么我电脑上的Docker 开始怎么都出不来Shared Drives,后来通过多次切换windows 与linux竟然了出现了,最后只要共享驱动盘就能解决。
An Azure service that provides a registry of Docker and Open Container Initiative images. 465 questions Sign in to follow Azure Container Instances Azure Container Instances An Azure service that provides customers with a serverless container experience. 715 questions Sign in to fo...
在我的 Windows 10 机器上尝试通过安装程序安装 Docker Desktop 时,我一直收到本文标题中提到的错误。安装程序可以从这里下载,这是社区版本,因为我们正在开发环境中工作。
0 394 docker报错: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid 2019-12-18 16:15 −环境:centos7 问题:docker 启动没问题,但是下载 镜像时报错 问题说明:这种错误,一般都是本地系统时间错误导致报错证书过期,所以先查看本地系统时间 最终发现问题是系统时间不同步 ps:当前时间是2019-12-18 解决方式...
解决方案 开启子系统支持 控制面板–>程序与功能–>启动或关闭Windows功能勾选适用于Linux的Windows子系统,重启即可。
Refer to#346, i config as below. cnch-config.yaml other ... hdfs_nnproxy: hdfs://dc07-daily-bigdata-xxxx.com:8020 hadoop_kerberos_keytab: /tmp/vivi-byconity.keytab hadoop_kerberos_principal: byconity/byconity@vivi.com hadoop_security_kerberos_ticket_cache_path: /tmp/krb5cc_0 hadoop_se...