it shall never be inh it should be abolishe it should be felt tha it should grow well it shows that the pop it six of one and hal it snowed and grew da it sounds like she it sounds silly it sounds very amazin it started to stiffen it still does nothing it structure new it suffici...
他们:(1)促进奴隶繁衍,Far from forcibly preventing their slaves from multiplying, on the contrary, they actually encouraged them in every way they could; they united them as much as possible in a kind of marriage; by this means filling their houses with domestic servants of both sexes and all...
first year of the URA to record deficits as a means to support [...] 我希 望司長不 要看到市建 局 第一年開出來 的帳面是紅色 的,以便將來能在 資本市 場集資 推 行其 20 年 225 個項目的鴻 圖大計。
which means that »[s]ilencing co-exists with the poten- tial for the expression that it seeks to abolish.« (Thiesmeyer 2003, p. 13) The way in which users make use of explicit silence to walk the line between saying and not saying poignantly highlights this co-existence and points...
aOne reason, officials say, centers on making a "borderless Europe" viable. If the European Community goes ahead with plans to abolish border controls and obviate the need for passports to travel within the member nations, other means have to be found to learn who is in the Netherlands legall...
proposal will not enable us to abolish FCs in the future, rather, we can only rely on the continual increase in DCFC seats [...] 即是說,現時這個方案是不會令我們將來可取消 功能界別的,只是靠不斷增加區議 會議席,才有希望把情況淡 化一點。 [...] suppor...
What we do will make the world more beautiful.16. not…until直到他告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相。I didn’t know the truth until she told me what happened.17. as if他夸夸其谈好像什么事都知道。He talks a lot as if he knows everything.18. It is no use (good) doing…假装不懂规则是...
“法律用处大,处处需要它。国家兴法治,兴旺又发达。权益受侵害,维权要靠法。我们青少年,人人要学法。守法又护法,利民利国又利家。”这告诉我们 ①我们的生活与法律息息相关②法律反映最广大人民群众的意志和利益 ③法治是发展市场经济、实现国富民强的基本保障④法律由国家强制力保证实施( )
I hold to the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith (with exception to 24.1) as an accurate summary of what God has revealed in Scripture. Here is an index list of posts on the site Specific Passages Podcast Interviews 1689 Federalism (for an overview,
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. / For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is ...