Illegal HIPAA Disclosure Did Not Require that Defendant Knew He Was Violating Law.The article focuses on the U.S. court case U.S. v. Huping Zhou, which dealt with disclosure under the U.S. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Topics include the termination of...
Ineffective document management may put organizations at risk for violating laws such as theSarbanes-Oxley ActandHIPAA. Violations of these laws can cost organizations millions in lawsuits, damage company reputations, and erode client trust. Financial Costs of Policy Negligence Surveys from law firmNorto...
Private lawsuits are cases filed by individuals. Class action lawsuits, however, are filed on behalf of a larger group and are typically aimed at large corporations that owe some sort of relief to their consumers. Answer and Explan...
According to the website, "The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) is a critical part of the franchise process. It allows...
Messaging Often Fails HIPAA Requirements: Providers like the Convenience of Messaging, Not Realizing They Could Be Violating HIPAA RegulationsUsing a smartphone to send a quick text message or e-mail has become second nature to most of...Raths, David...