Consider asking first in the Gitter chat room or in a Discussion. What version (or hash if on master) of pybind11 are you using? 2.10.3 Problem description I'm writing a C++ class with some STL-like containers as its members. Then I bind it with pybind11 and expose it to Python. ...
Well, one reason is that the iteration body is now an object - a FunctorObject. This object may be an AnonymousInner specialization of the interface Closure or the instance of any ordinary class that implements the closure interface (see BlocksInJava...
ELPP_DEFAULT_PERFORMANCE_LOGGER # define ELPP_DEFAULT_PERFORMANCE_LOGGER ELPP_DEFAULT_LOGGER #endif #include "easylogging++.h" UpdateManager::UpdateManager { _TRACE; // Logs using LOG(TRACE) provided logger is already registered - i.e, update_manager LOG(INFO) << "This will log using update...
one needs to have considerable parts of the application using such algorithms. In other words, the vast majority of the time must be spent on STL algorithms to have relevant performance benefits.
I've discovered the way to break into native code and have access to STL containers' content when debugging using CLI : Tools\Options...\Debugging\General : uncheck 'Use Managed Compatibility Mode' (YES! UNCHECK IT!) In the native code, instead to add breakpoints, just add this...
TinySTL::trie_tree t; std::ifstream in;"C:\\Users\\zxh\\Desktop\\trie_tree_test.txt"); std::vector<std::string> v; std::string s; while (in){ in >> s; v.push_back(s); } ProfilerInstance::start(); for (const auto& str : v){ t.insert(TinySTL::string(str....