One loosely connected synonym forpridemight beglory. To say I have pride in someone or something, generally speaking, means I have elevated that person or action to a higher place in my heart and mind. We could make a case that glory, in this sense, is similar. From there, however, th...
Maven Failsafe plugin \epigraph{ The Failsafe Plugin is designed to run integration tests while the Surefire Plugin is designed to run unit tests. The name (failsafe) was chosen both because it is a synonym of surefire and because it implies... ...
to make an animal or person become unconscious or calm, especially with a drug e.g.,This powerful drug is used to tranquilize patients undergoing surgery.,Synonym:,sedative, 64、Section 3: Detailed Reading,tranquility n.,e.g.,living in peace and tranquility I love the tranquility of the ...
No, really, it’s not. It’s an unsupported assertion which is dependant on a slippery mangling of the word “information” as a synonym for matter. I do not think that that is justification to to claim any knowledge about the existance of god or the powers and workings of god’s mind...
Thanks to two anonymous referees for urging me to clarify this. A note on terminology: Genova borrows the term “experience-based belief” from Gemes. But unlike Gemes, Genova does not use “experience-based belief” as a synonym for “empirical belief” or “aposteriori belief” (Gemes ...
However, Kuntze pointed out that Vandelli called the dragon tree Draco yucciformis, adding Dracaena as a synonym. Moreover, Linnaeus has included in the genus Dracaena several species, which were later transferred to Terminalis Medik., Dianella Lam. ex Juss and Liriope Lour. In conclusion Kuntze...
I was rather embarrassed to tell our nice and highly competent teacher (who became a good friend, by the way), that his behavior at home remained slightly lacking (which is a synonym for atrocious). So about a year later, we re-enrolled him in a different class, with a teacher who ...
Healing, in this instance, is probably intended as a synonym to peace. Both point to restoration of that which is broken. This healing is more toward spiritual brokenness, repairing or healing the relationship between God and humanity that was broken in the garden of Eden. Our sins are ...
However, since turning from sin as a precondition for faith is a form of good works, many Christians are uncomfortable with defining repentance this way, and so think of it instead as a synonym for faith. They note that the Greek word for repentance (metanoia) literally means “to change ...
Random Insertion (RI): Find a random synonym of a random word in the sentence that is not a stop word. Insert that synonym into a random position in the sentence. Do this n times. Random Swap (RS): Randomly choose two words in the sentence and swap their positions. Do this n times...