Now it was taking real work for my eyes not to be pinging around my head. Why can’t she just TELL me? Why can’t she just warn me a day or so ahead? But no, she’s got this goddamn idea that if I don’t remember myself it doesn’t count. “No honey, it’s real import...
In this specific case,yes. You are not taking advantage of anything that C++ has to offer more than C, but that's just because there's nothing in that simple piece of code that C++ could help you with: it is so simple that you really do not need C++ at all. ...
Many months ago, DH was in the attic trying to unclog a leak, I think from the air conditioner or something, and he slipped a little bit and broke through the floor into the living room. He didn’t fall all the way through and wasn’t seriously injured but was definitely bruised for...
Or, as Esmaeilpour puts it, “Slapping this term on every minor disagreement or miscommunication seriously diminishes the actual harm caused by the real gaslighting behaviors.” Narcissist “The term narcissist has become a popular way to label someone who seems overly self-involved or full of the...
Or, as Esmaeilpour puts it, “Slapping this term on every minor disagreement or miscommunication seriously diminishes the actual harm caused by the real gaslighting behaviors.” Narcissist “The term narcissist has become a popular way to label someone who seems overly self-involved or full of the...
19、xtent to which the medical profession today is taking on the trappings,Section 3: Detailed Reading,of a pain-killing industry. Their offices are overloaded with people who are morbidly but mistakenly convinced that something dreadful is about to happen to them. 4 It is all too evident that...
Maven Failsafe plugin \epigraph{ The Failsafe Plugin is designed to run integration tests while the Surefire Plugin is designed to run unit tests. The name (failsafe) was chosen both because it is a synonym of surefire and because it implies... ...
One loosely connected synonym forpridemight beglory. To say I have pride in someone or something, generally speaking, means I have elevated that person or action to a higher place in my heart and mind. We could make a case that glory, in this sense, is similar. From there, however, th...
to follow Jesus, taking up our cross, praying, worshiping, witnessing, engaging in the Word, and many other things we are drawn to in Christ. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6.33), for example, is something never done by those who are not in Christ. But ...
I have never differentiated between parents who actually subject their children to horrific bogus treatments and/or parents who brutalize their children emotionally or physically…or who neglect their basic needs that include a safe loving environment…or who medically neglect their seriously ill children...