.jp2' not recognized as a supported file format. This is returned after the following output: Doing per pixel angle resampling. Do you have any suggestions on how to address this? P.S. Thank you for contributing to open source EO tools. This has the potential to be quite useful for ...
is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.我用了DEBUG 答案 1,不可识别的内部 或 外部命令及操作2,批处理文件注:这是计算机检查程序时给出的提示,我翻译的不是特别准确,基本上就是这个意思;不过令我更感兴趣的是我在调试debug的时候没有见到过这个提示. 相关推荐...
gcc只能编译.c/.h/.cpp等文件,你是不是在gcc命令行中带了其它文件,例如: $gcc-o test test.ctest.glade`pkg-config--libs--cflags gtk+-2.0libglade-2.0` $gcc -o main main.cfile1.txt file2.txt 上述命令中红色字体部分去掉,就OK了,至少我遇上的问题就是这样解决的。
Ubuntu——报错解决:编译时出现:file format not recognized; treating as linker script,解决方法该错误一般是因为部分库文件直接在Windows下被解压,然后放进Linux环境下进行编译所产生的错误。将库文件直接放进Linux环境下解压即可解决。
终端中提示如下 /usr/bin/ld:/usr/lib/gcc/i686-magic-linux/3.4.3/../../../libc.so: file format not recognized; treating as linker script /usr/bin/ld:/usr/lib/gcc/i686-magic-linux/3.4.3/../../../libc.so:5: syntax error ...
Hi I tried to compile my codes with commanding "$ ifort -o Weibull Weibull.for", but it gave me an error that '$' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file. $ should be used right? Thank you Translate Tags: Intel® Fortr...