I got in on my tablet, can't get in on my phone Spam or obscene language? Report it! Semmie • 101 days ago # + 0 - Internal server error Spam or obscene language? Report it! Tired_Octopus • 101 days ago # + 0 - It finally gave me the link into my email and ...
Receiving and sending messages/pictures/videos does not work Unlike many WhatsApp alternatives, Facebook's web solution is only a remote version of the actual app. Messages you enter on the PC are sent to your smartphone followed by Facebook's servers. This has a clear disadvantage since your...
Everything works fine, except for the on screen keyboard for the kiosk user on a touch screen. I have tried the following to no avail:HKCU\Software\Microsoft\TabletTip\1.7\EnableDesktopModeAutoInvoke = 1HKCU\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell\TabletMode =1 ...
I am trying to RDP from VM to Host (Win10) on port 3389. When I try to access Tomcat at VMWare NIC on port 8080 (e.g. it works out of the box so I assume the problem is with RDP server on host only listening to the localhost and no other NICs. This ...
Texting works but sending and receiving photos does not Spam or obscene language? Report it! Alex • 449 days ago # + 1 - Photo attachments all failing Can't send any image/photo attachments. Android, Samsung Galaxy s23 ultra. Started this morning Pacific time. Family on iOS not ex...
2. Click the dropdown arrow by the current discovery status and either choose No One (this is equivalent to selecting Receiving Off on an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch), Contacts Only or Everyone. Choose Everyone if your Mac isn't being found by other devices when using AirDrop. You may ...
Hi all :) Yes, BLE - right way. Hassio - stuck on open port 8055 v1ckxy - stuck on declaring the basic principles of working offline tolwi - realize only user corporate MQTT BUT - exist much more interesting solutions. Absolute independe...
Nook Tablet Not on Par with FireThe simplest way to sum up Barnes & Noble's new Nook Tablet isthis: It costs more than...Wolverton, Troy
There’s also a quick seat feature implemented on Android, but we were unable to get it to work. Despite fiddling with the settings for a while, we could not avoid receiving an error message whenever we attempted to use this function: The Quick Seat Function Failed to Operate Properly HUD...
Our Sample Receiving Area has multiple refrigeration units that have different purposes. Your samples are guaranteed to not melt or overheat with all the refrigeration units we have! That sounded like a sales pitch! Because, well, it kind of is! My whole blog is to allow you to not only ...