Calls go straight to voice mail not receiving calls, go straight to voice mail. Also I have checked all my settings. 4 years ago 452 1 Have a iPhone can’t make calls or receive calls why my incoming calls are going to voicemail and I can’t call out 1 year ago 360 1 Calls...
If you can't make or receive calls on your iPhone: You might not be able to make or receive calls on your iPhone if you have certain settings turned on, if your software isn't up to date, or if there's a problem with your network. Find out what to do if you see "No Service"...
Usually, this fix applies to limited smartphones that work on LTE instead of VoLTE. For such smartphones, the problem arises when you turn off LTE data, which will prevent you from making/receiving calls as the voice packets are blocked. If you believe your smartphone features an LTE network...
For Android phones: Open Settings > Apps > WhatsApp > Permissions. If the Microphone and Storage is not enabled, then toggle it on. For iPhone: Open Settings > Privacy & Security > Microphone. Enable the toggle for WhatsApp. Method 10: Disable Third-Party Recording Apps ...
If not, tap on the “Calls” section of your settings to see if you’ve accidentally turned off call answering on the web, Android device, or iPhone. Keep your Google Voice tab “active.” Even if all your settings are perfect on the browser, Google Voice will still instantly mute audio...
Does your phone ring but the screen does not turn on for incoming calls? Click here to know why and what you can do to fix this!
I'm having trouble receiving anNSNotification. I can tell that my network call is effective on the server side, and that the server's response is received at the network layer in my app, but when my network layer class does the final step of sending anNSNotificationto theUIViewController,...
After the screen has been off for a while, why am I not receiving mail and instant message notifications? Internet radio broadcast also stopped. If your phone is runningAndroid®7 Nougat and Power saver is turned on, you may experience the following:...
The comment on "AsyncNotifyWhenDone" states "Has to be called before the rpc starts" but it seems that if the request tag is returned with ok=false (i.e. because the CQ is shutting down) then the async done tag is never received. Instead...
It suddenly occurred to me that my phone has not been receiving incoming calls for a week. I did the logical thing: I shook my SmartPhone. Unsuccessful, I did the rational thing: I tried to connect to a new network, without luck. I re-booted my device, without luck. "Flight...