Not unpolitically correct comments. (erroneous comments) (Wood on Words) (Column)Wood, Alden S
Integrity means you do what you do because it's right and not just L6.___or politically correct. A life of principle, of not L7.___to the L8.___L9.___of an easy morality, will always win the day. It will take you forward into the twenty-first century without having to check...
A Time for Thanks & Maybe a Time to Pray: I Know It Is Not Politically Correct These Days to Say This, but I Have Never Been Accused of Being "Politically Correct" So I Will Say It Anyway. in These Times of Great Challenges, Do You Think It Is Wise to Cast God Aside and Ignore...
aThose schools, instead of giving beginning teachers a mastery of their subject matter, especially in areas such as primary literacy and numeracy, are more concerned with inculcating politically correct values. 那些学校,而不是给起点老师他们的事项精通,特别是在区域例如主要识字和数理知识,与政治反复...
- Some politically correct doctors will tell you that it's impossible to get infected by a toilet seat, but they'll also tell you not to use the same bath towel to dry your crotch and your face during an outbreak. See the contradiction? 某些品行端正的医生会告诉你,你绝不可能从马桶座上...
He didn’t care whom he offends with his message. Not even the king was immune from the fire of his tongue. Those were the days of sharp, short sermons, and ofnon-politically-correct preaching. John’s message was notcomplicated. He preached the same sermon to everyone. ...
In those situations, humour has to be mild and politically correct. Yours, Brad 1.Radha Karnik’s problem is that he doesn’t ___. A. have friends B. have a good sense of humour C. understand others’ humour D. know the functions of humour 2.By telling...
correct; proper; just; appropriate: the right way Not to be confused with: rite –religious ceremony; ceremonial act: marriage rite Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree right (rīt) adj. right·er, right·est 1. Conforming with or co...
People scoff today, whether out of intellectual arrogance or a kind of spiritual snobbery. It isn't politically correct to believe in judgment and sin. What issinanyway? they sneer. Spirituality is in, but miracles don't fit with our scientific worldview. However, Jesus' return will be both...
In other words,there is no “war on Christmas“…. … I and many other atheists enjoy celebrating as much as anyone else does on December 25. We might visit family, exchange gifts, overeat and do all the other Christmas things…