Since rent is more than a mortgage, we went looking for a home we could afford that both of us, our young son, and our two cats could be happy in. Our agent was a great guy with decades of experience, and we found a little place that needed rehab but was barely within our price ...
I – as a shift leader – leave a comment on his account and every one of his family members that they’ll have to show ID and can never rent with a single cent of late fee on their account (we usually have a bit of a grace amount). When he finally stops for ...
Some of these transcripts were created by running Whisper on my computer; others I created by paying someone else to run Whisper on their more powerful computer. Now that I've put it all up, one transcript per page, it doesn't seem that impressive, but it's a solid [runs script] 63.8...
Since then it's gotten worse. Looks like they're not paying the server rent anymore. Spam or obscene language? Report it! Guest • 242 days ago # + 0 - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ NOT WORKING AT ALL Spam or obscene language? Report it! Evelyn Millers • 246 days ago # + 1 - ...
You don't have to spend a lot of time managing rentals in Arrived. However, you have to pay fees in exchange for the convenience. Invest in Rental Homes with $100+ Click Here to Get Started Browse rental home investments for free. No bank account required Fees In general, Arrived charge...
This has been generally portrayed as people spending down the savings they accumulated during the pandemic. While this is true to some extent, the biggest factor is that people are paying more taxes, presumably capital gains taxes on stocks they sold in the last year. (Capital gains are not ...
I paid for the whole move myself, which I don’t mind because I’m ultimately the one that wanted to move. For the first seven months of us living in this new state, I was the only one paying for the rent and all the bills. He got a job and started helping out in t...
I thought about posting this on /r/financialadvice but this is more about my relationship with my husband and my feelings. My husband is a surgeon, who makes quite a lot of money. We're comfortable, but always wanted to retire early. I've had jobs in the past but very low paying an...
That means there’s market failure– transactions that could be making people better off (everyone paying additional drivers to not drive) aren’t happening. When there’s market failure, there is a potential role for government intervention. In this case, the form of intervention is taxes. ...
Yeah, but I don't know the requirements for the extra year. Could be that you have to be subscribed to Splice when you start rent-to-own, when you're done paying, or during the entire time... Will have to check soon. I'm 10 days into my 30 day trial and then there's a 14...