PHP报错: Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in ... 是什么原因? 简单的来说,就是同一页面内,同一变量前后赋值的类型不一致所导致的。 比如: $a = "abc";//这是字符串类型 $a[] = "def";//这是数组类型 在对某一个变量进行第二次赋值的时候,也就是在同一页面内对同一变量第二...
PHP Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in …… 查找资料后发现是因为以下原因造成的 在对某一个变量进行第二次赋值的时候,也就是在同一页面内对同一变量第二次赋值,但值的类型前后不一致会导致这个错误,可以在第二次赋值前重新进行一次声明变量类型. 简单的来说,就是同一页面内,同一变量前后...
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in ***\phpcms\modules\admin\classes\push_api.class.php:145 Stack trace: #0 ***\phpcms\modules\admin\classes\push_api.class.php(50): push_api->position_list(Array, Array, 0, 'content_model') #1 ***\caches\caches_m...
$users = User::whereNotIn('role', ['operator','admin'])->get(); }returnview('users.index', ['users'=> $users,'user'=> $userActive]); } 开发者ID:satriowisnugroho,项目名称:LIST,代码行数:15,代码来源:UserController.php 示例4: index ▲点赞 1▼ /** * Show the Administrator panel...
由于PHP7.X版本对于WordPress程序效率得到不错的提升,老蒋也陆续将服务器都升级至7.0或者7.1版本PHP,但是今天发现一个问题,服务器中的ZBLOG PHP程序在PHP7.1环境中编辑、修改文章的时候有出现错误,提示"[] operator not supported for strings"错误提示。
WHERECityNOTIN('Paris','London'); Try it Yourself » NOT Greater Than Example Select customers with a CustomerId not greater than 50: SELECT*FROMCustomers WHERENOTCustomerID >50; Try it Yourself » Note:There is a not-greater-than operator:!>that would give you the same result. ...
The 'NOT IN' operator in MySQL is used to filter rows based on the absence of specified values in a list. It ensures that the value of an expression does not match any value within the provided set. This is particularly useful for exclusion queries where you want to omit rows that conta...
Since PHP 7.1.3: this code doesn't work: $zxcvbn = new Zxcvbn(); $strength = $zxcvbn->passwordStrength("secret"); Error message: "[] operator not supported for strings" Trace: bjeavons\zxcvbn-php\src\ZxcvbnPhp\Matchers\L33tMatch.php:55 b...
前段时间将客户的phpcms站点升级到php7.2,相对比较顺利,但是今天他反应文章无法修改了,提示Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings 错误,这就有点尴尬了,可能是PHP7以上对语法要求比较严谨,那我们就照着错误提示来寻找解决方案 1 2 3
}elseif($operator =='not_null') { $query->whereNotNull($key); }else{ $query->where($key, $operator, head($values)); } } }return$query; } 开发者ID:sedp-mis,项目名称:base-repository,代码行数:28,代码来源:BaseRepositoryEloquent.php ...