“‘Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings,’ says Zuzu Bailey inIt’s a Wonderful Life.But that incessant chiming you hear might also be the ping of emails bouncing back with out-of-office notifications as the year — and our motivation to work — grinds to a halt. Welcome...
000 bundle. For city-living, I love a functional bag. I could even fit my phone and wallet inside along with the headset. I’m not sure Dyson navy is my color, but I think I made it work during this review period.
too. That’s a change I expected, considering that it would need a control overhaul to work with the Switch’s more traditional button layout. What surprised me, though, is
Our desperation to see how Season 8 ends goes far beyond just needing to know what happens to our favorite characters. It also encompasses more than finally solving the mystery of the White Walkers. They aren't the only song of fire and ice we'll see come together on 'Game of Thrones'...
Like Wordle, Connections, and the Mini Crossword, Strands can be a bit difficult to solve some days. There's no shame in needing a little help from time to time. If you're stuck and need to know the answers to today's Strands puzzle, check out the solved puzzle below. ...
No sweat. If you only made it until 10 a.m., or 8 a.m. before needing food, your entire body still got a boost of cleanup time. And if you needed an immediate breakfast, that's fine too. Fasting doesn't have to happen every day; in fact it's imperative that it doesn't. Eve...
I'm happy to report my role of "mom" has evolved from needing to belong to genuinely wanting to help and nurture loved ones. I don't do this for validation any more, rather, it's who I am, and I've found peace with it. It's a part of my identity, rather than being a source...