*/publicfinalfunctiongetMetas(){if(KT::notIssetOrEmpty($this->metas)) {$this->initMetas(); }return$this->metas; } 开发者ID:Nodonisko,项目名称:WP-Framework,代码行数:12,代码来源:kt_meta_model_base.inc.php 示例5: __construct ▲点赞 1▼ function__construct($postType){if(KT::notIsse...
$excluded_cats = json_decode(get_option('wtd_excluded_cats'));if(empty($cat_id) &isset($_GET['wtds'])) { $cat_id = $_GET['wtds']; }// get parent category$query =newParseQuery('resortParentCategories'); $parent_cat = $query->get($parent_cat_id);// get category if its set...
这好像是基本的语法错误,挨个找麻烦还不容易找到,一般编辑器都有语法错误提示 比如zend studio编辑器。 你这个错误原因是 isset 本身就是判断变量是否设置是否存在的,然后你有加了一个 !="" 把他去掉就可以了。
if(isset($var)){ echo$var; }else{ echo"Variable does not exist"; } ?> In the above example, we have taken a variable. Using the PHP isset() we have first checked if the variable exists or not. If it returns TRUE or the variable exists it will show the variable value on the we...
49.<?php $__controller= isset($_REQUEST['c']) ?strtolower($_REQUEST['c']) :'main'; 50.<?php $__action= isset($_REQUEST['a']) ?strtolower($_REQUEST['a']) :'index'; 51.<?php 52.<?phpif(!empty($__module)){ 53.<?phpif(!is_available_classname($__module))err("Err:...
if(!isset($CFG_GLPI['languages'][$lang])){ echo$lang." is missing\n"; } } } } Loading... 举报 举报成功 我们将于2个工作日内通过站内信反馈结果给你! 请认真填写举报原因,尽可能描述详细。 举报类型 请选择举报类型 举报原因 取消
<?php if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { // process form printf('User: %s Pass: %s Status: %s Comments: %s', $_POST['User'], $_POST['Pass'], $_POST['Status'], $_POST['Comments']); } ?> User: Pass: S...
I have done the research on setting a cookie and I cannot get it to set... First I tried the data I needed... if (isset($_POST['slocation'])!=""){...