如何正确使用OH_JSVM_Init 如何自排查OOM(v8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory)错误 如何正确使用OH_JSVM_GetValueStringUtf8获取字符串 如何解决Finalizer方法中执行JS代码崩溃问题 UI框架 方舟UI框架(ArkUI) Image组件加载的图片,如何缓解图片在缩放时的锯齿问题 如何实现防截屏功能 如何在长按手势回调方法里...
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/ray/_private/auto_init_hook.py", line 24, in auto_init_wrapper return fn(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/ray/_private/client_mode_hook.py", line 103, in wrapper return func(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr...
SpiHandle.Init.TIMode = SPI_TIMODE_DISABLE; SpiHandle.Init.CRCCalculation = SPI_CRCCALCULATION_DISABLE; SpiHandle.Init.CRCPolynomial = 7; SpiHandle.Init.CRCLength = SPI_CRC_LENGTH_8BIT; SpiHandle.Init.NSS = SPI_NSS_SOFT; SpiHandle.Init.NSSPMode = SPI_NSS_PULSE_DISABLE; SpiHandle.Init.Mast...
@ohos.data.distributedKVStore接口中的deleteKVStore,第一个参数appId需要传递什么值 本地文件管理 如何使用Zip模块解压项目目录rawfile中的文件至应用的沙箱目录中 手机的“/data/storage/el2/base/haps/entry/files/”绝对路径在哪 如何实现文件不存在则创建文件 如何解决文件的中文乱码问题 如何修改沙箱路径...
R0, =SystemInit BLX R0 LDRR0, =__main BX ENDP ; Dummy ExceptionHandlers (infinite loopswhich can be modified NMI_HandlerPROC EXPORT NMIHandler[WEAK] B . ENDPHardFault\ PROC EXPORT HardFault_Handler [WEAK] B . ENDPMemManageHandler\ PROC MemManage_Handler [WEAKB ...
in __init__ super().__init__(runner, dataloader) File "/mnt/petrelfs/gaohongzhi/anaconda3/envs/xtuner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mmengine/runner/base_loop.py", line 26, in __init__ self.dataloader = runner.build_dataloader( File "/mnt/petrelfs/gaohongzhi/anaconda3/envs/xtuner/lib...
When Minio server is connected through Minio Client, or any S3-compatible client, you see the error Server not initialized.
Feature DTC Memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures cannot be accessed from distributed transactions. Use SQL transactions instead. Operation Memory-optimized tables as target of MERGE Memory-optimized tables cannot be the target of a MERGE operation. Use INSERT, UPDATE, and DELE...
Feature DTC Memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures cannot be accessed from distributed transactions. Use SQL transactions instead. Operation Memory-optimized tables as target of MERGE Memory-optimized tables cannot be the target of a MERGE operation. Use INSERT, UPDATE, and DELE...
Featurebrowse mode metadataNatively compiled stored procedures do not support browse mode metadata. Make sure the session optionNO_BROWSETABLEis set to OFF. FeatureDELETE with FROM clauseTheFROMclause is not supported forDELETEstatements with a table source in natively compiled stored procedures. ...