The first occasion was in Cˇ eske Budeˇjovice during the summer 1988, when we were both invited by Academician Dr Zdenko Vaneˇk to chair sessions at the Second International Symposium on Overproduction of Microbial Products, hosted by the Institute of Microbiology of the Czechoslovak Academy ...
Improved assembly arrangement for vane cover, based on a panel and a wire mesh, separate and independent, characterized in that the wire mesh is mounted on the work interposed between the span of the span and the cover panel, leaving its peripheral edge trapped between the frame and the ...
The gospel is not primarily a way of life. It is not something we do, but something that has been done for us and something that we must respond to. In the Greek translation of the Old Testament — the Septuagint — the wordeuangelizo(proclaim good news) occurs twenty-three times. As...