TotalSalesAB = CALCULATE ( SUM ( Sales[Sales] ), FILTER ( VALUES ( Sales[CustomerId] ), CALCULATE ( DISTINCTCOUNT ( Sales[StoreId] ), Sales[StoreId] IN { 1, 2 } ) = 2 ) ) Community Support Team _ Sam Zha If this post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution ...
DAX =NOT([CalculatedColumn1]) Voor elke rij inBerekende kolom1worden de waarden 'true' en 'false' geïnterpreteerd als de logische waarden WAAR of ONWAAR en retourneert de functie NOT het logische tegenovergestelde van die waarde. ...
exception: filter expression does not evaluate to a boolean term Exchange server - send email,move email to folder,delete email ,Read email Execute a method continuously after a given time period execute javascript after postback execute javascript from code behind? ExecuteNonQuery: CommandText property...
In Response To Mike_Gondek Sorry, I've got a filter on at work and can't get to it right now. PM me and I'll send my email. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report More Reply Mike_Gondek AUTHOR Community Expert , /t5/illustrator-discussions/illustrator...
ubuntu@recgvmxjupdaxfmd8xw6h9yzu:~$ /h2ogpt_conda/vllm_env/bin/python -m pip freeze | grep flash flash-attn==2.5.6 ubuntu@recgvmxjupdaxfmd8xw6h9yzu:~$ /h2ogpt_conda/vllm_env/bin/python -m pip freeze | grep vllm vllm==0.4.0.post1 ubuntu@recgvmxjupdaxfmd8xw6h9yzu:~$ ...
C# - DataGridView with Wrap text in Cell but without spaces or newline c# - how can i filter FolderBrowserDialog so it select only few formats C# - How do I import a horizontal line in a richtextbox? c# - How to change button ba... Also, the last lines with the error: CodeSign /Users/andrespacheco/Documents/Development/Flutter/langaw/build/ios/Debug-iphonesimulator/Pods_R unner.framework (in target 'Pods-Runner' from project 'Pods') cd /Users/andrespacheco/Documents/Development/Flutter/langaw...
+ "rx_vlan_stag_filter": "off [fixed]", + "rx_vlan_stag_hw_parse": "off [fixed]", + "scatter_gather": "on", + "tcp_segmentation_offload": "on", + "tx_checksum_fcoe_crc": "off [fixed]", + "tx_checksum_ip_generic": "on", + "tx_checksum_ipv4": "off [fixed...
DELL WYSE WINDOWS vs Unified Write Filter Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073D06 Desktop Background Slideshow settings removed? Desktop explorer freezes after login Desktop folder under Quick Access links to C:\Users\Default\Desktop instead of the user's desktop folder Desktop Icons Position Regi...
here is the piece of code in the DAX code which caused issue. before fixing: CALCULATETABLE( VALUES(Sales[Customer ID]), FILTER( ALL(Sales), Sales[Purchase Date] >= _DateBeforeNDays & Sales[Purchase Date] <= _EndOfMonthDate ) ) After fixing: CALCULATETABLE( VALUES(Sales[Cust...