A Waukesha skating rink is being accused of a discriminatory policy. A Milwaukee mother is outraged and hoping her experience prompts change.
The coinsurance clause will only be in effect at the event ofpropertyloss. During a loss, the insurance limit and the required amount to be used for insurance based on the coinsurance percentage are compared and must have a ratio equal to or greater than one, else, a penalty will be...
Growing older and having new sources of health insurance and income means facing circumstances you never have in the past. But you don't have to go into this new stage unprepared for the expenses that might come with it. Will you be able to afford all of them? Maybe not. And if that'...
Also, we need an “oiler” like we need a hole in the head; legitimate reason why we don’t have such a requirement. Related to geography and the fact that we really venture out and when we do it’s far cheaper to have ships stop to refuel rather then having an “oiler” tag alon...
My company has asked all its workers to take at least £700 a year off our salaries so they can afford the new rise in NIC the firm now has to pay - is this allowed to happen? Surely it has to be negotiated individually and can't just happen. All of our salaries are written in...
The builders are obligated to complete construction within 12 months or face penalty clauses. If you lease a new car, you are obligated to pay the residual value at the end of the contract. The government wants to cancel the purchase agreement but is obligated to pay an enormous exit fee....
Motorist Fined for Parking Car in Disused Bus Stop; Penalty Will Not Be Enforced, Say PoliceByline: BY LIAM MURPHY Daily Post StaffDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
The coinsurance clause will only be in effect at the event ofpropertyloss. During a loss, the insurance limit and the required amount to be used for insurance based on the coinsurance percentage are compared and must have a ratio equal to or greater than one, else, a penalty will be given...
The City of Richland is more specific with code 12.16.020 saying "It shall be the duty of every person or entity having charge or control of any premises located within the city to remove or cause to be removed from the public sidewalk or sidewalks along said property in the street or ...
The writers of Robot Chicken imagine what would happen if Darth Vader learned to say "I'm Sorry." Bugs Bunny takes his cross-dressing to the next level. The Terminator changes the future a bit too much. Edna Mode gets an incredible new job.