faintest a. 1.(用于否定句,起强调作用)极小的,些微的,一丁点儿的 2.【[faint]的最高级】微弱的;(体力)无力的;易失去知觉的;(动作等)无力的 idea n. 1.[C]构想,思想,主意 2.[U][sing]印象, 感想 3.[C]意见, 信念 4.[U][sing]模糊的想法,想像,认为某事很有可能发生的感觉 5.the idea [...
not have the faintest idea英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供not have the faintest idea的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
not have the faintest ideaphrase informalC2used to emphasize that you do not know something: 根本不知道"Is she going to stay?" "I haven't the faintest idea."“她要留下来吗?我一点儿也不知道。”I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about!我根本不知道你在说什么!Neither...
not have the faintest idea “not have the faintest idea”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 一点都不知道 相关词语 nothavethefaintestidea
Neither of them had thefaintestideaof how to be aparent. As to what I'm going to do now, I haven't thefaintestidea. I don'tthinkSteve had thefaintestideaabout what washappeningaround him. See also faintadjective(SLIGHT) (Definition ofnot have the faintest ideafrom theCambridge Advanced ...
释义 Idiom I didn't have the faintest idea what you meant. 我一点也不明白你的意思。 He didn’t have the faintest idea how the others would react. 随便看 Gardening-topic edge Gardening-topic edge Gardening-topic fertilizer Gardening-topic fertilizer Gardening-topic fish meal Gardening-topic fish...
not have the faintest idea To have no knowledge or understanding about something. I do not have the faintest idea where I left my car keys. He does not have the faintest idea how hard it is to run a business. See also: faint, have, idea, not Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 ...
not have the faintest idea 根本不知道相关短语 Keidanren (日本) 经济团体联合会,经济团体联合会 Fossa Magna (日本) 大海沟带 Hitachi Limited (日本) 日立制作所 Shin Sanbetsu (日本) 新产别 Taiyo Kobe Bank (日本) 太阳神户银行 Data Telecommunication Center (日本) 全国银行电汇电脑中心 cuspidor (日本...
释义 请查阅词条:not have the faintest idea 随便看 with-all-due-respect with all my heart with-all-my-heart with any luck with-any-luck with a small "c", "d", etc. with-a-small-c-d-etc with a vengeance with-a-vengeance with-a-view-to-doing worm-sth-out-of-sb worm-turns worm...
have not the faintest idea 读音:美英 have not the faintest idea基本解释 一点儿都不知道 分词解释 have用以构成完成式及完成式的不定式,表示已经…vt. 有,具有 faintest微弱的( faint的最高级 ) idea主意,想法