“Kids these days aren’t going to college as much, I feel like. But when all your friends kids are off in college and they’re going through these milestones, it’s a little weird for your kid not to be going through the same milestones.” ...
“The /applyingtocollege subreddit has 104,000+ members!40,000 members are in the /gradadmissions subreddit. Enrollment marketers, you might be excited...so you want to get on Reddit and start promoting yourself.DON'T DO THAT.” “
Indeed,“Not Recommended to College”is more than a memoir; it is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and self-discovery. Through Marty’s experiences and philosophical introspection, readers are not only entertained but also inspired to unlock their own potential. “This book s...
And if you are not able to show us that you can be trusted with our truth—we may not feel safe to open up to you again in the future and you may not have the opportunity to revisit the conversation, repair the harm, or make it right. One of the most important things you can do...
Lumiel • 175 days ago # + 2 - What's going on in bilibili? I thought it was just my network from my hometown yesterday but now I'm back to my college dorm with strong connection it's still no network? Spam or obscene language? Report it!
In college, I had a student job as a car park attendant. Super easy, no hassle, time to study and get paid at the same time. The car park was two stories underground and right next to the car park of one of the city’s classier theaters. Every Friday, the car park would fill ...
trying to do my test • 1442 days ago # + 0 - you can't use math papa if your in college like me it useless Spam or obscene language? Report it! JustTrynaPassMyClass • 1442 days ago # + 0 - Y’all, use math papa. It ain’t MathWay, but it’s something. Spam...
Share this article:The College Fix on FacebookThe College Fix on TwitterThe College Fix on RedditShare on Email Look at the headlines, and one might think that it’s safer for a woman to walk through the deepest, darkest parts of any metropolis at night than to go to college. ...
Share this article:The College Fix on FacebookThe College Fix on TwitterThe College Fix on RedditShare on Email Don’t pay more for a degree without an added benefit Any attempt to discuss how to tackle student loan debt now and in the future must address this hard truth – some degrees...
“I’ve always been told that I was pretty, I modeled as a kid … I catch myself in the mirror and think, ‘damn girl, you beautiful,’” writes one alleged human being. Another is to post to the r/AmIHot subreddit and ask anonymous people if you have it going on (this, I ...