// Api refresh token not getting refresh . please check code Laravel 0 209 Level 1 kamrannazir901 OP Posted 6 months ago My google login codepublic function googleLogin(Request $request) {if (Auth::check()) { return redirect('/dashboard'); } $google_oauthV2 = new \Google_Service_Oau...
I'm using Google Calendar API in my application.when I'm Authenticating user I'm getting one issue . ie, one user is logged into gmail in one tab.who has already access to the application.now I Opened the application in other tab and trying to make request to authenticate. it is not...
com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException: 10: Developer console is not set up correctly. Here's my relevant code: oneTapClient = Identity.getSignInClient(this);signUpRequest = BeginSignInRequest.builder().setAutoSelectEnabled(true).setGoogleIdTokenRequestOptions(Begin...
TokenStorage.kt object TokenStorage { val tokens = mutableListOf<BearerTokens>() } TokenInfo.kt @Serializable data class TokenInfo( @SerialName("access_token") val accessToken: String, @SerialName("expires_in") val expiresIn: Int, @SerialName("refresh_token") val refreshToken: String? =...
题目 Google recently introduced a new service that adds social-networking features to its popular Gmail system. The service is called Buzz, and within hours of its release, people were howling about privacy issues—because, in its original form, Buzz showed everyone the list of...
Lieer ships with a set of OAuth 2 credentials that is shared openly, this shares API quota, butcannot be used to access dataunless access is gained to your privateaccess_tokenorrefresh_token. The minor risk of using these public OAuth 2 credentials is that a malicious application running on...
= user.role; } // Here, check the token validity date if (token.tokenExpiration < Date.now()) { // Call the endpoint where you handle the token refresh for a user const user = axios.post( `${process.env.API_URL}/auth/authentication/refresh`, { refreshToken: token.refreshToken, }...
Getting error: "the account is not authorized to login from this station" when trying to drive map workgroup share Getting Event ID 4199: IP conflicts with a MAC address of another machine Getting time from pool.ntp.org getting windows service status from registry google chrome not trust the ...
How save google map as an image (.jpg, gif or png) ? How SqlParameter[] ParamArr in the below code works How to refresh the page programatically by C# ? how to pass variable from content page to master page?? How to "duplicate" (or copy) the existing control that cointains other ...
When I tried to run npm install, I got an error Unexpected token '.', then a path to a complete log of the run. I checked the complete log, and unexpected token came from a file that contained only the text ../workspace/libnpmfund That looks a Unix symlink on Windows. ...