sh: tailwindcss: command not found - C 编程语言 当在进行C程序开发的过程中,你可能会遇到类似于 'sh: tailwindcss: command not found' 的错误提示。这种错误提示是由于操作系统无法找到 tailwindcss 命令,导致编译或构建过程出现了问题。 问题解决方案 ...
Description I am running into an error when upgrading from v1.21.11 to v1.22.0. I cannot get my automated scripts to work on this version, but it works on other versions. The script is just a copy+paste from the upgrade docs. Gitea Versi...
NODE_ENV=production tailwindcss --postcss --minify -i css/app.css -o ../priv/static/assets/app.css sh: 1: tailwindcss: not found “assets.deploy” is defined in my mix.exs with "cmd --cd assets npm run deploy", "esbuild default --minify", "phx.digest" ] What can I do? Here...
在Tailwind CSS 中,:not() 伪类用于选择不符合特定条件的元素。要在 Tailwind CSS 中使用 :not(),你可以将其与其他选择器结合使用,以排除某些元素。 基础概念 :not() 伪类用于选择不符合指定条件的元素。其基本语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 :not(selector) { /* 样式 */ }...
我这边按照官网去安装好tailwindcss之后,启动直接报错match.loader.options.plugins is not a function,由于不太会webpack,我看源码里面这个plugins()不是一个定义的方法,请求大佬帮助 tailwind-css 有用关注2收藏 回复 阅读3.4k Sora: webpack版本是?package.json贴一下?
推荐问题 Next.js的tailwindcss如何全局配置? 修改src/app/page.tsx内容为如下代码,运行项目,访问http://localhost:3000/可以看到tailwindcss是生效的,覆盖了h1的默认样式 {代码...} 1 回答515 阅读 相似问题 如何在 pnpm workspace 项目中使用 tailwindcss? 1 回答1.8k 阅读✓ 已解决 tailwindcss line-height...
When setting up a default Next.js project and following the official documentation to add Storybook, Tailwind CSS classes do not work. The issue seems to be related to the configuration file name for PostCSS. Renaming postcss.config.mjs to postcss.config.js resolves the issue. To Reproduce Step...
一、for嵌套 1.1、for嵌套if 案例: 输出1-9,当输出5时停止输出 案例代码 #!/bin/bash # #...
{"name":"tailwindcss-demo","version":"1.0.0","description":"tailwind css","main":"index.js","scripts":{"dev":"npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./dist/output.css --watch","build":"npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./dist/output.css","start":"http-server","tes...
之前用没问题,也许是新版的问题。 vite.config.js import tailwindcss from 'tailwindcss' ... css: { postcss: { plugins: [tailwindcss], }, }, ...