Community Groups Need Help; Join in, Do Your Bit and Get Involved in Tin Can Baya[euro][TM]s Not-for-Profit Organisations by VolunteeringONE thing that soon becomes evident to anyone who takes up residence in Tin Can Bay-Cooloola Cove is a strong sense of community spirit and fellowship...
Under a company structure, charitable or not-for-profit organisations will generally be registered as public companies that are limited by guarantee. Limited by guarantee means the liability of the company’s members is limited to the amount the members undertake to contribute to the property of th...
ChilliDB is a flexible user-friendly Client Management System, It is tailored for Australian Not for profit, health and community organisations
In 2018, most websites originated from Australian "not-for-profit" organisations. None of the websites provided information on all content areas. At least 55% of websites were rated aspoororfair. No site rated asexcellentoverall. There was some worsening over time. Country of search did not...
[48] argued that one of the fundamental concepts of health professional organisations and agencies globally is providers’ self-sacrifice. For instance, the fundamental principles of professional values (such as self-sacrifice) established by Ghana Health Services may include exhibiting a high sense of...
[48] argued that one of the fundamental concepts of health professional organisations and agencies globally is providers' self-sacrifice. For instance, the fundamental principles of professional values (such as self-sacrifice) established by Ghana Health Services may include exhibiting a high sense of...