The base game of Not For Broadcast is an engaging and innovative take on a "choices matter/multiple endings" style game. The writing is superb, bouncing between comedy and tragedy effortlessly while maintaining a clear narrative focus. I came to this game a fan of earlier FMV titles and hop...
I did flunk the second broadcast at the end and I'm not really sure why. (Viewers kept dropping even though I thought I had it on the correct view.) To really appreciate what's going on, you have to go back and watch everything again after the broadcast, but there's no fast ...
Use your notepad to track all the changes you make on each run and keep your eyes peeled for clues that reveal secret guest order combinations. Swapping around the guest lineup will unlock a mind-boggling ten unique endings, each a tantalizing - and often embarrassing - piece in the puzzle...
Not for Broadcast: Jason Orbaum, Alex Paterson, George Vere द्वारा निर्देशित. Paul Baverstock, Andrea Valls, Sarah Gibbons, Anthony Kosky के साथ. Not For Broadcast is an immersive, narrative-dri
Not For Broadcast isn't for everyone, but fans of 2013's Papers, Please will not find a better title on the market. PC Gamer 張貼者:Ian Evenden 85 / 100 Deeply silly and all the better for it, the missed political targets really don't matter. ...
Multiple Endings, Secrets and Routes Use your notepad to track all the changes you make on each run and keep your eyes peeled for clues that reveal secret guest order combinations. Swapping around the guest lineup will unlock a mind-boggling ten unique endings, each a tantalizing - and often...
Not For Broadcast provides players with a seamless simulator experience, steadily building tension while maintaining constant satirical humor. The propaganda simulator is worthy of several playthroughs to unlock various endings and experience different dialogue, but the game’s humor is enough to make an...
“Bits of Your Life” is the most responsive chapter of Not For Broadcast ever released, with different guest order combinations resulting in a huge variety of changes to the story, multiple endings and plenty of easter eggs and secrets to discover. ...
“Bits of Your Life” is the most responsive chapter of Not For Broadcast ever released, with different guest order combinations resulting in a huge variety of changes to the story, multiple endings and plenty of easter eggs and secrets to discover. ...
Not For Broadcast Oops, something went wrong