I posted evidence that the Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and DARPA were some of the external forces behind the Tamil faces orchestrating the pro-Jallikattu protests that also played on Shaivite and Tamil symbols. I showed that the current BJP “Hindu nationalist” government of Modi is ...
In Odisha, our research on rehousing programmes after Cyclone Phailin in 2013 revealed ‘beneficiary’ identification processes that regarded people as eligible for receiving houses only if they met certain conditions, the most prominent being land ownership. Those who did not qualify (usually the ...
While the ending for The Secret History was rather exquisite, evoking the tragic in a way that was both sad and tender, The Goldfinch ends with what feels like a sermon from Theo, desperately trying to attribute meaning to everything that had happened thus far while still assuring us that ...
Then, according to the t-test results of the equal variances assumed, the p-values of the t-test are greater than 0.05, meaning there is non-significant difference in the mean of samples from different sources. To sum up, there is no severe nonresponse bias in our data. Table 2. Non-...