Study participants were recruited on social media from around the United States. Participating pregnant women completed a one-time, 45-minute survey about their water intake and related water-intake behaviors. Results showed that 63% of the women were not aware of hydration guidelines and 67% were...
When I was pregnant with my first child, I swore up and down that when I got closer to my due date I was not going to ask to know my dilation in pregnancy. I knew that by having avaginal checkI would be tempted to start prophesying about when my labor would start and what my bir...
If you don’t make enough of them, it can be hard to shed pounds. You may also feel bloated because your body holds on to too much water and salt. If you think you might have a thyroid problem, talk with your doctor. Medication can help. 11/14 You’re Pregnant Healthy weight gain...
A young pregnant woman on Reddit is devastated after her husband berated her and called her useless for not cooking for his father during a surprise visit.
You already know that heavy drinking during pregnancy can lead to serious birth defects. What you may not know is that even small amounts ofalcoholcould be harmful. No amount of drinking has been found to be safe during pregnancy, so it's best to avoid all forms of alcohol. This includes...
While there is no perfect poo, a healthy bowel movement should not result in straining. However, it should range from deep brown to light brown or even green in color. A bowel movement that is circular with cracks could indicate that you are not drinking enough fluids. ...
Alastair Burgess: Lemon, lime and bitters, actually available as a canned soft drink in the Caribbean. Other wise, ginger juice, lemon juice ango bitters and soda water. Kailee Asher of Counter Intuitive/Undertow in Phoenix AZ: I'm pregnant right now so no drinking for a while... Clausthal...
Some websites tout the advantages of drinking coconut water while pregnant. If you’re a rat, it might help protect you against high-fat-diet-induced changes, one study says. But if you’re a pregnant human, you probably shouldn’t use it as a replacement for other foods, Drayer said....
B193: Safe Drinking Water—Lessons from Recent Outbreaks in Affluent Nations, ISBN: 1 84339 042 6 In affluent, developed countries, people do not expect to fall ill or die as a consequence of drinking tap water. Yet, despite an abundance of knowledge, technical expertise and resources, that...