Prototxt file not found: models\hand/pose_deploy.prototxt. Possible causes: 1. Not downloading the OpenPose trained models. 2. Not running OpenPose from the same directory where the model folder is located. 3. Using paths with spaces. abdul-mateen-chughtai commented Feb 5, 2019 • edited ...
D:\Users\Gines\Desktop\OpenPoses\openpose-master\include\openpose/thread/subThread.hpp:op::SubThread<class std::shared_ptr<class std::vector<struct op::Datum,class std::allocator > >,class std::shared_ptr<class op::Worker<class std::shared_ptr<class std::vector<struct op::Datum,class st...
For instance, Human Pose Estimation Python Demo supports Intel pre-trained Human Pose Estimation Models (human-pose-estimation-0001,0002,0003 and 0004) in two types of architecture (“ae” - Associative Embedding or “openpose" for OpenPose). Looking into these...
1. Not downloading the OpenPose trained models. 2. Not running OpenPose from the same directory where the model folder is located. 3. Using paths with spaces. Coming from: /home/student/Desktop/OpenPose/openpose/src/openpose/net/netCaffe.cpp:ImplNetCaffe():58 /home/student/Desktop/OpenPose/op...