“ffmpeg height not divisible by 2”错误指的是在使用FFmpeg处理视频时,输出视频的分辨率(特别是高度)不是偶数,这违反了某些视频编码标准(如H.264)的要求。这些编码标准要求视频帧的宽度和高度都必须是偶数,以便能够正确地按块(通常是16x16像素或更大的倍数)进行编码。 可能导致该错误的情况或操作 直接指定分辨率...
ffmpeg-i input.mp4-vf"scale=1280:-1"output.mp4 -2的作用与-1类似,也是用于自动计算另一个尺寸,同时保持宽高比。但-2的特殊之处在于,它会确保计算出的宽度或高度是偶数,这是为了满足某些视频编码器的要求,它们需要偶数的分辨率尺寸。这对于编码像H.264这样的视频时特别重要,因为(如前所述)这些编码器使用基...
1. -2的作用与-1类似,也是用于自动计算另一个尺寸,同时保持宽高比。但-2的特殊之处在于,它会确保计算出的宽度或高度是偶数,这是为了满足某些视频编码器的要求,它们需要偶数的分辨率尺寸。这对于编码像H.264这样的视频时特别重要,因为(如前所述)这些编码器使用基于块的编码算法,其要求块的尺寸(通常是16×16像素...
如果视频的分辨率宽度大于960的话,就把宽度设为960,而高度按其比例进行缩放 如果视频的分辨率高度大于540的话,就把高度设为540,而宽度按其比例进行缩放 之前用了很多方法都只能解决一部分 而且会报: "width / height not divisible by 2" 解决方法 如这种错误,就是说 宽度/高度不能被2除尽 其实解决方法也很简...
原因:hadoop-core是1.x的产物,在2.x之后已经被hadoop-common取代,我配置的时候同时使用了这两个依赖导致jar包冲突. 我只引用了hadoop-c... 行走的空心菜 0 406 max-width 2019-12-13 16:27 − max-width 语法: max-width:<length> | <percentage> | none 默认值:none 适用于:除非置换内联元素,...
height not divisible by 2 h.264 - FFMPEG (libx264) "height not divisible by 2" - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20847674/ffmpeg-libx264-height-not-divisible-by-2 After playing around with this a bit, I think I've answered my own question. Here is the solution in...
(1)n is not divisible by 2. (2)n is not divisible by 3. 选项: A、Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient. B、Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient. ...
2-quotientLet G be a finite group. For a given pair of non-negative integers n and k, we aim to give an explicit formula to count the number of elements of lambda(k)(G), the set of all irreducible representations of G whose degree is not divisible by 2k. In this paper, we give...
Height not divisible by 2 (H264 codec)#51 vootoxopened this issueNov 1, 2023· 3 comments Copy link vootoxcommentedNov 1, 2023• edited I'm new to ComfyUI so if I'm "barking up the wrong tree" I apologize, I don't know where else to bark. ...
No, this is definitely not expected and a bug. I can reproduce when using ffmpeg with the h.264 codec and scaling, as soon as the resulting video width or height is not divisible by 2. But also when using the gnome-shell backend with h.264, in that case even without scaling. ...