针对您提出的问题“flutter does not contain a gradle build.”,以下是根据提供的信息和建议,给出的详细解答: 确认构建系统: Flutter项目通常使用Gradle作为其Android部分的构建系统。因此,首先确认您的项目是否确实使用Gradle作为构建系统。 检查build.gradle文件: 在Flutter项目的Android子目录中,应该存在build.gradle文...
idea 报错 Directory '/Users/codes/other/tool-box/tool-box' does not contain a Gradle build. Gradle build时提示IDEA The specified project xxxx directory does not exist. 前提 因为我之前想自己开发一个将sql文件格式化的插件,中途放弃直接用程序写完了,插件开发时用的就是gradle,但是后来不用了就直接把一...
idea 报错 Directory '/Users/codes/other/tool-box/tool-box' does not contain a Gradle build. Gradle build时提示IDEA The specified project xxxx directory does not exist. 前提 因为我之前想自己开发一个将sql文件格式化的插件,中途放弃直接用程序写完了,插件开发时用的就是gradle,但是后来不用了就直接把一...
[dockerfile] [solved] Directory '/' does not contain a Gradle build General docker, build gelassen (Gelassen) February 22, 2024, 6:45am 2 I have found a solution for this - explicitly tell the docker working directory WORKDIR /tmp FROM alpine:3.19.1 COPY ./ /tmp EXPOSE 8080 ...
should not contain a package statement 项目出现bug前我都做了什么 Flutter A项目 新建 plugin 然后删除example 然后想恢复过来 从新建B项目 copy进来example setting.gradle中有 删除掉 然后再次执行就可以了! 同样的 一些build,gradle第一行也被添加了这句话...
出错原因很简单,相信很多友友都会偷懒,看到一张好的图片,想将该图片作为资源,马上就将该图片改了下后缀名.png,复制黏贴到了项目然而在生成的时候编译出错,以下是错误输出:Information:Gradle tasks [:app3:assembleDebug]:app3:preBuild:app3:compileDebugNdk UP-TO-DATE:app3:preDebugBuild:app3:checkDebug...
Java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.4+8-Debian-1deb11u1, mixed mode, sharing) Gradle Wrapper: 7.5.1 Mockito: 4..7.0 Note: I can provide access to this system if whished :) Contributor TimvdLippecommentedAug 30, 2022
Idea 报错 The specified Gradle distribution 'https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.5.1-all.zip' does not appear to contain a Gradle distribution. 解决办法: 1.下载错误提示里的gradle包; 2.将包解压到 C:\Users\[用户]\.gradle\native 路径下,如图 ...
I have hence tried to move the build.gradle away temporarily. But then $ gradle wrapper ... still fails: A Gradle build should contain a 'settings.gradle' or 'settings.gradle.kts' file in its root directory. It may also contain a 'build.gradle' or 'build.gradle.kts' file. So how ...
android studio - NDK does not contain any platforms - Stack Overflow 大概是说这是历史原因,早前的AS版本会寻找platforms文件夹, 而NDK team已经把这个文件夹去掉了,但是目前AS中还在寻找,直到后续某个AS版本中拿掉了这个寻找功能之后,这个提示才会消失。