My cmake command is like below: PS D:\spdlog-test\build> cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..\ -- The C compiler identification is Clang 16.0.6 -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 16.0.6 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for wor...
I am getting a CMake error when I do ' set-target esp32'. What am I doing wrong? CMakeError.log: Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" failed. Compiler: /home/heller/.espressif/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-2021r2-patch3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32-...
这个 cmake 变量的意思是告诉 cmake "编译器是可用的,无需检测"。 cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=xxx.cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_FORCED=ON .. 也可以直接使用 cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=xxx.cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS=ON,因为 CMAKE_C_COMPILER_FORCED 通过控制 CMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS ...
空格删掉最终cmake …成功 -- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works-- Detecting C compiler ABI info-- Detecting C compiler ABI info -...
C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done CMake Error at /home/ktb/git/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/...
9)打开Cmake3.15.7, 导入路径,内部操作与之前相同,x64 10) configure编译,结果如下: 4. 最终结果:(成功找到) The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.16.27045.0 The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.16.27045.0 Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017...
CMake Error: CMAKE_C_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage CMake Error: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "C:/Users/Sim/Documents/Max 8/Packages/gen~ Plugin Export/misc/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". ...
compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.39.33519/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - broken CMake Error at C:/Users/40295/AppData/Local/Temp/pip-build-env-4i948kux/overlay/Lib/site-packages/cmake/data/share/cmake-3.28/Modules/CMakeTestCXXCom...
1> [CMake] 1> [CMake] 1> [CMake] C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing 1> [CMake] Toolkit\CUDA\v11.6\include\crt/host_config.h(160): fatal error C1189: 1> [CMake] #error: – unsupported Microsoft Visual Studio version! Only the versions 1> [CMak...
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:14 (project): The CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: icx-cl is not a full path and was not found in the PATH. -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!PowerShell in VS Code environment outputPS C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\...