Not Boring Software LLC 4.7 • 15 个评分 免费 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 **APPLE 年设计奖得主 2022** 科学方法培养良好习惯 大多数的习惯追踪器都会失败。它们试图用连胜或者奖杯等游戏刺激你,但只会在你跌倒时斥责你。培养习惯不必如此痛苦。
今天,我要向大家推荐一个来自美国的开发商Andy Works推出的四款非常有趣的应用程序。首先,让我们来看看这些应用程序: 习惯(habits)📅:这是一个帮助你养成好习惯的应用程序,功能强大,强烈推荐; 天气(weather)☀️:一个玩转天气的应用程序,功能丰富,需要你细细品味。特别是晴天大红日的设计让我想到了某国国旗…...
(Not Boring) Habits:构建你的「好习惯」大陆 平台:iOS / iPadOS 关键词:习惯养成 @Snow:习惯养成应用千千万,(Not Boring) Habits (下文简称 Habits) 是我见过最「花里胡哨」的一款,一如它标注的前缀,丰富的动画效果,绝不让你觉得无聊。 和传统的习惯养成应用一样,开启 Habits 后你需要先填写想要培养的习惯,...
从行业影响来看,NotBoring Habits的成功有可能会促使其他开发者重新思考他们的应用设计与功能创新。随着苹果设计大奖的曝光,这类具有创意和实用价值的应用有望引领市场趋势,对整个应用生态的发展起到一定的推动作用。同时,对于用户而言,这一创新应用也增强了他们在选择应用时的多样性,让用户能够轻松找到更适合自己的方法来...
This app bundle is available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad.(Not Boring) Apps : S2 4+ Not Boring Software LLC 4.6 • 5 Ratings App Bundle Free Purchased Separately: ¥0.00 4 Apps in This Bundle (Not Boring) Weather Weather (Not Boring) Habits Health & Fitness (...
2022年苹果设计大奖得主之一(Not Boring) Habits的界面录屏。 3D设计、有趣的触觉和优雅的游戏化ーー你的生活技巧冒险在森林和山脉中展开,是一次鼓舞人心的旅程ーー它使追踪你的习惯成为一种真正的艺术体验 发布于 2022-06-11 17:05 赞同 分享 ...
The Grug Brained Developer: habits of self-aware programmer. Like Tao of Programming, different style. Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment. Procrastination News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier, The Guardian News misleads News...
Does not stuff what occasion is it, are it untimely morning or delayed at night. If you're emotion horny, you'll be able create a call plus provide your home and hotel address, plus our call girls will make your area in no occasion. You will tally on your daydream call girl to req...
He now inhabits the only afterlife thatmoiself(and his family) believes in, the only one that matters. Because he *mattered,* we are assured that he lives on, in the hearts and memories of those who had the privilege to know and love him – those he cared for, befriended, laughed wi...