4. 研究编程环境或框架在“legacy mode”下的限制 在Vue 3和vue-i18n的最新版本中,如果你尝试在Options API模式下使用vue-i18n,就会遇到“Uncaught SyntaxError: Not available in legacy mode”错误。这是因为vue-i18n的最新版本不再支持Options API模式。
element-plus因为他的文本啥的都是封装在内部的,我们无法去更改,比如说date-picker,所以就要使用组件库本身提供的国际化组件,当然element-plus也提供了配置的形式, import ElementPlus from 'element-plus' import zhCn from 'element-plus/es/locale/lang/zh-cn' app.use(ElementPlus, { locale: zhCn, }) 但是...
import{createI18n}from'vue-i18n'importzhfrom'./zh'importenfrom'./en'consti18n=createI18n({legacy:false,locale:'zh',messages:{zh,en}})exportdefaulti18n 注意: 在这里需要配置legacy: false,不然会报错:Not available in legacy mode (at message-compiler.esm-bundler.js:54:19) en.ts和zh.ts里面就...
}consti18n =createI18n({legacy:false,// Vuetify does not support the legacy mode of vue-i18nlocale:'sv',fallbackLocale:'en', messages, })constvuetify =createVuetify({locale: {adapter:createVueI18nAdapter({ i18n, useI18n }), }, })constapp =createApp() app.use(i18n) app.use(vuetify)...
Please confirm you have done the following before posting your bug report: I have enabled debug mode I have read checked the Common Issues page Column not found error after upgrading from v4.9.5 to v5.0.4 After upgrading to v5.0.4, I tri...
// // if you want to use Vue I18n Legacy API, you need to setcompositionOnly: false // // compositionOnly: false, // // // if you want to use named tokens in your Vue I18n messages, such as 'Hello {name}', // // you need to setruntimeOnly: false ...
Hi. I'm struggling with encoding problem. I'm using IntelliJ with scala plugin. and I made sbt project and write below code and I edit...
At first, to fill this gap, I thought about using the “Azure WebApp Virtual File System Tasks” available in the Azure DevOps marketplace. Unfortunately, this task did not work. So I had to automate the cleanup with a Powershell script. ...
| id | legacy_endpoint_id | interface | service_id | url | extra | enabled | region_id | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 142cb619cd2242828b0c9394d5baaea1 | NULL | public | f1b661407ce04f79bc24605fa59bb74c ...
from /opt/gitlab/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.10/lib/active_record/relation/finder_methods.rb:84:in `find_by' from /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/app/models/concerns/token_authenticatable.rb:14:in `block in generate_available_token' from /opt/gitlab/embedde...