Check for doneness after 8 – 10 minutes, rotating if browning unevenly. Continue cooking until light golden brown, up to another 5 minutes. While pizza one is cooking, prep pizza two to minimize time sitting (and therefore STICKING) on the board. Allow to cool slightly, drizzle with truffl...
My first encounter with Gael Greene occurred when I applied to work as her assistant. It was a challenge between myself and another candidate who lived a short distance away from her office. It didn’t help that I lived in New Jersey which I later learned was part of the reason she cou...
Poke holes with a fork in the dough at the bottom of the pie dish and then put the crust in a fridge for another 30 minutes. Turn on your oven and heat to 400F. After your crust has chilled for 30 minutes or so, take it out, put in some baking/pie weights in the middle, and...
keep it moving so you don’t burn them. If you don’t keep them constantly moving then they’ll end up deep-fried. You want them to remain quite wiggly and squiggly. Add the black pepper, garlic, and rosemary. Keep cooking another 2 – 3 minutes and stir continuously...
Another mainstay of my sassy-gal personality that has been sadly missing throughout this long, dark, wet, and lackadaisical winter. I’ll admit it, The Doll has been rather quiet and dangerously close to the point of utter dulls-ville without her tart tongue! A sassy gal need not be ...
Back to the apps…I promise the next entry is not another year away! (Maybe it will be from far away, though, those plane tickets were non-refundable and non-transferrable, so he was out the cost he paid for them. Meaning, I have some decent credits to fly wherever I would like!
Have another drink while you’re waiting. *When coals are ashy and white and you’ve got some flame going, lightly oil the grill using a damp rag dipped in cooking oil. If you’re using a pan, get it smoking hot and brown both sides of the meat for better flavor. Try to refrain ...
Recently I have been able to have Don do a few chores around the place to earn picture show money. He really enjoys the movies now but not with any idea of a connected story. He remembers them in the order in which he sees them. Another of his recent hobbies is with old issues of...
Most people move on in due time to another location hosting the elk. For the stragglers who have worn out their welcome, we turn on a very far-reaching sprinkler system and we water the grass. We fashioned it out of an old fire hose and a generator. It’s really loud, spews forth ...
Another confession: I almost forgot my Garmin leaving the hotel in the morning, and it crossed my mind that since it’s a virtual, self-supported race, NO ONE WOULD EVER KNOW if I didn’t actually run the entire 26.2 miles! Right? The advantage of having parked my car conveniently in ...