java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method findByIdE not annotated with HTTP method type (ex. GET, POST) 问题原因,是因为这个类的存在,在其中 new feign.Contract.Default();使用了默认的Contract导致。 package; import feign.Contract; import feign.Logger; import org.spr...
I've posted this question on stack overflow, so you can see it's entirety here: However, I still haven't gotten an answer to this. The behavior and all the differ...
简介:Method search not annotated with HTTP method type (ex. GET, POST) 遇到这个问题,想必是使用 Fegin 的时候遇到的,不废话,我们直接上解决方案: 1.检测 接口上 是否有使用 HTTP接口注解, 如果没有就加上 : 示例: @PostMapping(value = "/test/hello")Integer hello(); 2.在项目里使用Feign的时候,...
External annotations: Not annotated parameter overrides @NotNull parameter Followed by 9 people Answered Permanently deleted user CreatedJuly 11, 2018 20:36 I have implemented method and added external annotation But I still get warning "Not annotated parameter overrid...
spring boot 项目调用@FeignClient报错not annotated with HTTP method type (ex. GET, POST) 2018-08-02 17:41 −... seveth 0 3652 Spring Boot Request method DELETE not supported 2019-12-03 14:37 −1: 开启HiddenHttpMethodFilter 最新版本的spring boot 默认不开启 restful 分割api @Bean @Condit...
annotated edition/text 注释版/有注释的课文 connote英 [kəˈnəʊt] 美 [kəˈnoʊt] vt. 意味着;含言外之意 ■拆: con(com: together, in addition附加)+not(to mark or note)+e -> to make or note a meaning in addition to(the formal meaning of a word) -> 表明(原意)...
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method get not annotated with HTTP method type (ex. GET, POST); 2019-05-23 11:57 −... 江南叶少 0 8116 GET POST 2019-12-19 20:54 −头一次玩博客,好紧张啊,写点啥呢?对了,分享一个知识点吧?咱们讲下get和post。想知道嘛?不告诉你。欲知后事如何,请听...
System.out.println("com.jasongj.UpperCaseComponent is not annotated by" + " com.jasongj.annotation.Component"); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ...
自己创建的接口的setSomething方法误报Overridden methods are not annotated with '@OverRide' 实际上这个接口没有继承任何接口,不存在需要注解@OverRide Author pugwoo commented Jul 23, 2018 更新一下,实现的方法确实没有@OverRide标记,但这个错误出现在接口声明上,应该出现在实现类对应的方法上 Contributor kerie ...
If the startup script is not annotated, execute it, # while read line # do # if [[ ! $line == \#* ]] && [ -n "$line" ]; then # JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS $line" # fi # done < ${APP_DIR}/config/jvm_options 启动脚本注释上面的shell命令就可以启动集群,但是加上就不能执行启动...